
He is 7 and so afraid of the rainstorms we can't go anywhere. It is excessive. Is this normal behavior?

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He is 7 and so afraid of the rainstorms we can't go anywhere. It is excessive. Is this normal behavior?




  1. yes very normal.  my little sister is 7 and is terrified of storms, we can't go anywhere when she thinks she sees a dark cloud, and we can not watch to weather channel  around her. she is so scared she throws up every time we have one. hopefully it's just a stage they will soon grow out of.

    Good Luck!

  2. Not normal, and you know it!

  3. No it's not normal... something must have triggered it, are you or your partner scared of them.

    You need to take the lead on this one... show him pictures of storms on the internet... teach him what they are and how they occur... try to leave out the damage they do for now, you need to concentrate on the positive points, then try watching one at the window with him...


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