
He is always scratching himself!!

by  |  earlier

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I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and for the last 6 months he has been scratching himself constantly.

I know all guys give them selves a scratch now and then but it has got to the point that he wakes me up in the middle of the night because he is scratching and he will come home in the evening sit on the sofa with his trousers off and scratch!!

I have spoken to him about it so many times! I really find it unattractive and just not very nice!! I have asked him if he has a problem or anything like that but he says no!

It's driving me crazy! Any ideas how I can get him to stop?? Or at least to do it in a different room!




  1. I think you need to ask him to go for a check up first..then if he shaves down there just let him not shave it completly because when we shave completly some times we have that but we women get used to it i guess but poor men lol!!!

    I suggest you ask him to go for a check up seriously because it might be unattractvive or he could have something.

    Just general idea or heat..its worrying.has he being doing it for long?

  2. He should go the docs or summat and get it sorted out.

  3. probably an std hun

  4. maybe he sweats easily, and sweat can make you itchy...

  5. I think you should probably ask him to go get tested for any STD/viral diseases. I mean, its normal to have an itch, but that sounds like a problem. He might have Ringworm of the groin (aka jock itch). Seriously, he should go see a doctor for your sake and his.

    Good luck

  6. Maybe he needs to shower more often before bedtime.

  7. Maybe there is something going on with his private, and he's embarrassed to tell you or go to the Dr.  Ask him to go to Web Md, and maybe he will figure out what is going on.

  8. You haven't said where ?

    If it's around his private parts I would be worried as he could have crabs and you don't want to catch them, if it is then you should ask where he caught them ? .

    Good luck and tell him not to go fishing again.

  9. hes got the itch

    mebbe its dry skin give him lotion :P hahahah

  10. Buy him some thick mittens

    Seriously, he should see his may be something that needs treating

  11. Maybe he has some major dry skin going on down there, if it were crabs you would have them by now, he should try switching soap's to a moisturizing one, if that does not help he needs to see a dermatologist..

  12. Try getting him a lotion (for dry skin, he may just be very itchy) -but if he's seriously saying that he doesn't have a problem or is unattractive! LOL

    -hope I helped!

  13. It may just be that he's hot and itchy. On the other hand there are a few other things which may cause itching down below, such as thrush or worse still pubic lice (crabs) Make sure he pops to the doctors, even if he feel embarrased. You may need to be treated as well if it is either of the latter.  

  14. I hate to say this but maybe he has a problem.  Get him to see a dermatologist or another doctor to discuss why he is scratching so much.

    If he doesn't have a medical problem then you need to let him know that you feel disrespected that he is constantly "grooming" himself in public, or at least in your presence.

  15. I'm guessing that he is scratching down there. You should tell him to go see a doctor because he could have an STD or a rash. They should be able to give him some sort of medication to put on it so it doesn't itch as much. It's worth getting checked out!

  16. He could possibly have a yeast infection or isn't washing well after s*x. He could also be having his sweat glands working over time.  Sure he doesn't have "crabs"?  

    Have him try a different kind of bath soap.  and even maybe different laundry soap  if you have just recently switched.

  17. Yikes.  I'm assuming he doesn't have crabs, so he probably has sensitive skin.  Tell him to apply some body lotion to the area (even though there's hair there, the skin can become dehydrated which can cause itchiness).  If he doesn't agree, then go with someone that doesn't have such an embarrassing habit!

  18. He probably needs to shower more often.  Dry skin is probably what is making him scratch.  Try applying lotion as well.  

    Other thought, he might have herpes?  That will make you scratch and itch a lot.

  19. I hate it hate it hate it hate it tooooo!!!! it is awful!!!!! cut him the hands if it necessary!!! hahahahahah!

    I have no p***s so i don't know why most of them do it! but I cannot stand it!! do we girls touch our **** constantly? nooo! their wish! lol!  

  20. Every time you see it ask him if he needs some help.  He'll get the hint that it's happening more then you'd like.  

  21. rub butter all over him so that his body will be too slippery and then his fingers will just sorta slide around and he wont scratch!(L0L)

    P.S. Suck my pickled toes. oh and elmo is better than you and u know it!

  22. you might want to seriously look in him in the eye and say, "I want you to get tested." It looks (or seems) like he might have an STD. Guys do sometimes fix or scratch themselves...but what you're seems different. If you two are sexually active it might be a really good idea for him to get tested. Because If he has anything, he might pass it on to you. good luck.

  23. sounds like he may have crabs or pubic lice look he over really good before you have s*x with him again  

  24. lol he comes home, takes off his pants, and starts scratching?? lol TOO FUNNY

  25. Does he bathe often?  

  26. HAHA! I can sort of relate.I hate it when my husband and I are out in public and he feels the need to attack his crotch in front of people. Nothing I say or do has gotten him to stop though. I have to say it's kind of weird that your guy has to scratch that much...

  27. I think you boyfriend needs to see a doctor, or go to an STI clinic.  Just to be on the safe side.

  28. He probably has herpes, or AIDS.

  29. Talk with him about this,this could be an annoying habit that you can help him break by drawing his attention to it.

  30. chop it off.


    maybe he has something but doesn't want to tell you :o

    otherwise just ask him not to do it in front of you

  31. Crabs!

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