
He is emotionless and kissing me? I don't understand?

by  |  earlier

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I have feelings for an ex of mine. We have recently within the last year become friends again and starting hanging out a little bit more. He knows that I am still in love with him and that i wish we could get back together. Yet, he within the last 6 months he got his heart broken by someone and he says that he has no emotions. He tries to not pay attention when people like him and if he likes someone he tries to ignore it. He doesn't want to risk possibly getting hurt again. I hung out with him over the holiday weekend and we made-out and got really close to doing stuff until I reminded him that it wouldn't be just s*x to me. I want to be his friend and trust me i would love to mess around with him too? How do you separate emotion so that there can just be some fun? Also, he says that because she broke him so much, he is emotionless he has no emotions towards anyone, (well besides her) so if this is true what does the kiss mean? I need some help understanding. I want to hang out with him, but i don't want to get my hopes up and get crushed as well. I am on the fine line between happy and depressed all because of a night that was not expected....




  1. I've done the same thing your boy is doing to you to an old ex of mine when my heart got broken. I felt bad because he never stopped loving me and that one night went straight to his heart, which I broke again. It's a comfort thing, it's completely selfish, and if I were you I wouldn't expect anything from it.

    He said not to, boys speak English, no need to read between the lines. He is using you for comfort. You shouldn't continue entertaining the idea of it, or continue doing anything physical. Be there for him with words, don't be physical with him, knowing he is broken, you too are using him to get what you want (you guys back together) but honestly that is the furthest thing from his mind, and your feelings. If I were you I would convey that you are there if he needs to talk, but the physicality needs to stop.

    Its the healthiest decision, good luck

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