
He is refusing to meet me?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend of 6 yrs is refusing to meet me since i got preg with his child.he is 28 and still lives with parents.they dislike me and told him i am trying to trap him.he is running out with mates now clubbing.i drove to his house tonight,he looked out the window but wouldn't come outside.he said he would meet me in next couple of days.he was at home tonight drunk and abusive.what is going on here??




  1. He does not want you or the child.  All he wanted was the s*x and you were the perfect one for that.  Next time you get a boyfriend, keep your legs together and make him commit before you give it up.  Cut your losses with this guy and move on with your child.  Don't try to MAKE him have a relationship with this child.  Have an attorney draw up some papers and have him sign his rights away.  He does not want the child and you will be better off.  There will be so much less drama if you do that.

  2. Do yourself a favour. Totatally IGNORE HIM.

    See him come running in days, if not sooner.

    Switch off from him. Look after yourself and your growing baby. That' s more important right now.

    The shock has sent him off the rails a bit. He'll calm down and come back. They all do dear.  

  3. He is scared. Back off. I no it's hard and your upset. I would be to. If he doesn't come around then you will have to take the legal course after the baby is born. For now, just back off and calm down for you and the baby. Let him clear his head and think straight. He will probably come around. Good luck.

  4. You'd better off without that useless creature - I wouldn't call that a man.  I know it's not easy but if I was a woman in a similar situation I'd rather take care of my baby on my own.  For sure that unborn child will bring lots of happiness into your life.

    At least, make sure you put his surname on the child's birth certificate (take a DNA test if necessary).  It could be sad in the future for your child not having a father's name at school times.

    All the best!

  5. His parents are right. Can't get him any way but through the crotch and that's pretty easy prey ain't it? Good thing his parents see right through your sorry little hunting story. Move out and hunt down and trap someone else.

  6. He doesn't want the responsibility of a child.  You are highly unlikely to change that opinion in him.  No easy solution for you.  I suggest you seek professional help.  This is too important to you - please see a professional and make sure you handle this right.

  7. LEAVE HIM!!!!

  8. he isn't interested in being a dad, or helping u. all u can do is get child support once the child is born.he will continue to avoid u. he was willing to sleep with u and make a child but he doesn't want any of the responsibility that comes with it.

  9. Sorry but he doesn't want to be with you and he's telling you anything to get you to go on.  His parents are telling him your bad (not saying you are) and he has more fun with friends.  He doesn't care that your pregnant.  You need to stay away from him because he doesn't care for you.  Take him for child support and find someone else.  There are men who want pregnant women regardless of what you might think.  

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