
He left me... I can't get over him? Is he over me?

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After 3 years together, my boyfriend broke it off (he tried to break up before but I convinced him not to and he also took a break form me). My stuff is still at his place and last time i tried to contact him (2 months ago) he kept ignoring me until finally telling me "we will talk but not now" --- do you think he is over me by now or will he follow through and talk to me?

I can't get over him and keep thinking we'll get back together... =(




  1. Not now,mean I'm with someone else right now, but stand by I'll get in contact with you soon.

    Move on. Don't chase him anymore! Stan-up for yourself my dear you deserved betters than that, There is some one out there that's going appreciated you and who you are Life is just way too short for that kind of treatments, No body need to live like that. Every one is special in deference ways.

    Don't sale yourself short my Darling.

    Take it from me"Personal experienced

  2. Sounds like he has moved on. Write him a letter and ask him to give you your stuff. YOu need to keep it simple or he will ignore you. As much as it hurts, this is how you need to deal with this. He clearly has the upper hand and you clearly allow him to have it. As much as it hurts you need to learn to love yourself more and not let anyone treat you like a backup or at their convenience.. Don't let him come back to you when other possibilities don't work out. If your stuff isn't that important, then don't contact him at all. You deserve someone who will respect you and not need to take breaks from you. That usually means that they have met someone else and that is their way of not cheating but keeping you available. Move on hun.

  3. Sounds to me (based on his short talk with you) that you're ancient history in his book.

  4. It was already over for him before he broke it off with you. He had a huge start on the healing process.

    He was the one who ended your relationship so if he wants to patch things up, he won't be afraid to get in contact with you again.

    You can't get over him because you weren't the one who ended things with him. It's normal to feel the way you feel but understand that the best way to handle this break-up is to give him space. NO calls, no text messages. If you call and call and call and keep calling, you are basically one, making a fool of yourself, 2 showing him you are weak and needy.

    Good luck and keep your chin up.  

  5. Only time will tell if he is really over you. I'm going through the same thing with my now ex. I agree with Foreverb's comment. I called and tried to work things out with her when a - she left me and b - she left me for another guy. I made a complete azz of myself for her and I will never do that again. It's embarassing, humiliating and just downright hurtful. And Forever is right, it made me look needy, weak and desperate. Though you love him, just like I loved her....don't ever let anyone, I mean ANYONE take your self respect and dignity away or better yet, don't ever GIVE it away. We all do foolish things in the name of love but that's where you should cross the line. If he is over you, then find comfort in the fact that you two we not to be. Get your polite about it. Say goodbye to him in your head and heart before you even get there. Think about all that he has done to hurt you and let that fuel you. Ask him when it will be convenient for you to come by and get your things. When you get there, never utter a word. Gather them quietly, hold your head up and walk calmy out the door. Don't even let him know this bothers you. Go home, cry, workout, jog, run, anything - do something to release your anger and pain. But don't call him, see him or do anything. It's not to punish you but rather to help you. Doing it this way will help you build your confidence and take back what he took or what you gave. Nothing wrong with "thinking" you'll get back together...we all think it at some point or another. But let him make the first move, if that's what you want by the time he comes to his senses.

    Trust me, I've been there, done that. It ain't easy. But the more you hold on to him, the further away you will push him. No one wants someone who is a clingy, desperate mess - even if they still love you. Get it together ma...walk away with pride.

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