
He left me at the alter. Should I dump him?

by  |  earlier

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My fiance and I were supposed to be 'married' online today. Not a real wedding, but the only thing we can do until he comes back home. I reminded him over and over last night and he said he'd be online when he was supposed to. He didn't get online this morning because he stayed up last night and fell asleep, so we weren't able to be 'married'. He says that he stayed up to make sure he'd be up at 9 am to get online, but he fell asleep. Should I end it?




  1. That is really really WEIRD!!

    If you would end your relationship over that, then he really doesn't need you in his life!!

  2. What are you 12?  

  3. where in the heck do you get married online???????

  4. yes

  5. LMAO

  6. no just try again  

  7. Thank goodness it's not a real wedding! What are you like 9 or maybe 12 years old? If your first thought was to dump him because he over slept, then by all means do dump him, you would be doing him a favor.

  8. Give the guy a break.

  9. im with the character above me "give him a break"

  10. I mean, maybe his alarm didn't go off. There are a lot of things that could have happened and I don't think it's as serious as him leaving you at the altar for real. Even though this was a special ceremony to you, maybe it didn't have the level of importance to him as a real wedding. I would speak to him and let him know that it hurt you that he didn't find this important, but I think you two should just wait until the real thing. Isn't it good enough that you're already engaged? Why do you have to be fake married?

  11. by "unil he comes back home", i'm assuming that he is in the military and possibly deployed?  if that is the case, how dare you dump this guy because he overslept!  as others have said, you are an adult, and you do not dump your fiance over one tiny mistake.  if something like this makes you cut and run, than reconsider marriage (online or otherwise...and why are you getting married online anyway.  why not just wait until he gets home?) as it won't last anyway.

  12. Why would you get married on-line?  

  13. LOL...sounds like he dumped you darling......

  14. That's ridiculous. Find something better to do with your time. I would dump him to save him from being attached to a loony. Good luck!  

  15. Somebody's not taking this too seriously guess is it isn't you. How much emotion were you tying into this online married thing? Obviously...he was not at your level...Take Care Sweetie

  16. The question in itself should answer for itself.

  17. He thinks you are totally silly.Forget the online marriage deal before he gets to thinking that you are TOO silly!

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