
He likes me, but I don't like him?

by Guest59330  |  earlier

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So this guy likes me but I don't like him but i don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him. Help Me!!!!!

He's always asking to sit next to me at lunch and hang out and be his partner in classes. I'm just not into him. I don't really want to talk to him because I don't want to make things akward. And also, it's really annoying. What do I do??




  1. ask him if he likes u then just get with a guy no matter who it is thats wat i did  

  2. Say thank you, but I can do this on my own. Get to the point: Do you like me? Thanks, but I like someone else. I'm really sorry.

    When you love someone, it can make you feel sad sometime. And sometimes, it can make you feel lonely. But... it can make more happier than you've ever been.

  3. Well why don't you just tell him you just want to be friends how hard would that be to do? thats not being mean I don't think it is..

    And your being nice to him doesn't mean you have to date him right???

    best of luck either way

  4. let him know you have a boyfriend but its alright if he wants to be your friend

  5. Just tell him that you are into some guy and put him into the friend position.

  6. everyone who answers this is going to give a sweet cute answer that wont help you at all, aha. ive been in this situation several times before, and i have helped my friends through this even more times than myself.  good ideas...

    The Lieing "OMG No she didnt!" Approach:

      Tell him you have a boyfriend, from another school, and hes weird about you hanging out with other guys.  It helps if you act like you don't know he likes you.

    The "I'm A Good Girl" Approach:

      Get a friend to help you with this, when hes around, be talking to your friend [and to him, but mainly your friend] about how you just don't want to have a boyfriend now.  And say about how you wish guys would stop likeing you because your never going to get together with them. Again, act like you don't know he likes you.

    The "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" Approach:

      AVIOD HIM AT ALL COSTS.  When he trys to ask you things, start talking to someone else randomly, or pretend you didnt here him, not rudely or painfully, but "accidentally."

    The "Oh, I made plans" Approach:

      Whenever he asks you to do things with him, tell him you already have made plans, or told whats her name youd be her partner, or that you promised that other chick you'd sit with her today.

    Mk, well i hope i helped you out! if you need other ideas, email me! =D!

  7. tell him this exactly  listen we need to talk i know you like me but to tell you the truth i don't like you but your a great guy in all i just hope u understand and we can just be friends

  8. Do you still like him as a friend?  Because if you do, tell him right now that you don't like him in that way, but would love to be his friend.  Do it soon so he won't get more attached to you.  I'm sorry, but there's no way to make him stop without telling him, unless you get a boyfriend or something.

    If you don't want him as a friend, just say STOP!  You're annoying.  (The last part is probably not what you wanted...but you get my drift.)

  9. tell him, if he cant take it oh well... h**l probably get over it in a few years (years=minutes) and he'll chase some other girl

  10. make him not like u. try to be mean or something always works for me

  11. hmm...

    well i wood just keep ditching him for your friends. he will hopefully get the msg. if not then perhaps you need to take the plunge and tell him you dont like him and you dont wanna bf right now.

    hope this helps :)

  12. This will be so wierd... BUT....

    Give him a chance. I know you don't like him now. You look are him and go... "ewwww, gross, ewwww!"

    This is what happened to me. The guy I have feelings for never liked me and the first time I looked at him, I just went "ewww. no way."

    8 weeks of class go by, something happens... and I'm totally in love.

    I guess it's the inside that counts and the outside can change too.

    So give it a chance... you might hate him now... and things can change later. Then... you will regret that you SO HAD HIM and drove him away.

  13. sucks for him. ask him if he likes you, or just say you just wana be friends.

  14. Ask if he likes you if he denies it just tell him "good, cause i just want to be friends .but if he says he does tell you he does say you dont feel that way.  

  15. I agree with PaNaMaM or whatever her name is-the one that answered before me

  16. trust me babe, if u just blow him off... it will make him feel better than just hanging around u and not getting a gf. hint him out that u dont like him, MAKE IT OBVIOUS!!!

  17. Just tell him straight up that you're not interested and you should just be friends. While it's going to hurt, at least he'll know, and can hopefully move on.

    I met a few girls that sort of led me on, and then after much time and effort on my part, I find out they're not interested in me, and it really irritated me that I wasted all that time on them. I would've rather known right off the bat if they weren't interested, so that I could move on, rather than wonder if I was having any effect.

  18. I think you have to be honest. Tell him what you really feel, if you are sure about your feelings. Unless you think they might be chance of anything to happen. Its better to tell him now, than later. Maybe if you give him hopes he will get hurt. I've been in his situation and it is an horrible feeling. Its better to tell him now than later.

  19. just tell him you only see him as friend and dont see things going past that but do it when its just you and him around  

  20. Well there is no real way to say no to somebody that likes you without hurting their feelings but you just have to say *I'm sorry (Insert Name) but I don't like you the way you like me* you can also add things into that like you want to be friends and stuff. You catch my drift.

  21. He might hurt a little at first, but that will also toughen him up a little

    just, try telling him

  22. well, i mean, it doesnt hurt to get to know him, but if you really dont like him then just tell him

    asnwer mines please;...

  23. Tell him that he is a great friend but you don't think that you feel the same for him that he feels for you. Also tell him that you don't want this to make things different between you two you just want to let him know that he is wasting his time on you. Let him down slowly don't let him drop like a bomb.

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