
He likes me but, he's (8) younger than me.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 29 year old single mom college student, and he's 20 and plays college football. I don't know what to do. Should I give him a try?




  1. There is nothing wrong, you may give him a try, difference in age does not matter much

  2. Depends on what you're looking for.  He's probably not going to be a  "provider' at least for awhile, and who knows, but youre a single mom, and you're probably under a lot of stress, could use a break.  Go for it, just take it easy, and don't put a lot of "long term pressure" on him right away.  If, as time passes, you see he's not going to be someone that can take care of you and your kid, then at least you've had some good times.   The age difference isn't the issue,but he is only 20.  Please remember, if you guys do start dating, he may become overwhelmed emotionally and start making bad decisions, like wanting to knock you up.  Be the bigger person here.  Don't let that happen.  If  you truly truly fall in love with this man, then let him develop as a person and get a future going first before that happens.  AND, this is important, if you find yourself not into him after awhile, don't jerk him around.  Just break it off.  

  3. age shouldnt matter???

  4. whats wrong with that  8 y  big deal   does he do it for you you know  have fun and us a condom  s hope it more then one  

  5. age doesn't matter.

    basically yall are both adults and i know tons of people who are like 10 years difference, and at first they never thought it would work out... but it did.  Just give him a try, If you don't like him or it doesn't work out, Oh well, At least you tried and you'll find someone else. :]

    Good luck to you! :]


  6. Kool! I bet he'd be a lot to handle in bed! You ready to rumble??

  7. hmm well your both in ur 20s so i say go for it! ul never know unless u try :)

  8. Well, you can, I mean if the problem is the age, is a problem that have really no meaning, but (I don´t like be rude) ?Why does he likes you¿. I mean, if he really likes you is because he saw something in you, but if this is not true maybe he is just looking for a temporal couple or a short relation. I mean think like a twenty years old foot ball player, he should be very popular hormonal pot, ?Why does he choose you over all that other girls¿. If you think that he really likes you, then maybe you can start a relationship, and if he just like a good time, well maybe you like try considering that the relationship will eventually banish.

  9. only if he is serious and not a jock lookin to score on a milf

  10. if i was u i wouldnt,,,specially cuz he is youngerr,,,girls get mature faster dan guyz juss to let u know

    and he is not even 21!

    i think u should talk to him about this and let him know that u dont wanna play around ur serious..cuz u dont wanna get hurt ...

  11. if you like each other go for it  

  12. age doesnt matter, its about love

  13. hmm well so u dont hurt his feelings try to give him a try. maybe u two hav some things is common.

  14. Sure why not?  I'm 10 years older than my wife.  We get along great.

  15. Of course, why shouldn't you?

    Age really doesn't mater as long as you guys aren't from totally different eras and even then that might make it fun!

    Give it a go and see what happens!

  16. Ages doesn't matter.....i guess. You're a single mom right? I guess it should also depend on your kids and if he minds if you have kids already or not.

  17. Homeboy has one thing on his mind! s*x trust me I knew what I was after at that age.

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