
He loves me/likes her??? so confused should i STAY? or GO?

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this guy that i have been off and on with for about 1 year and a half. is my first love and im his too.

he is "talking" to this girl that he kind of likes. he says he only likes her about 4 of 10 and me 9 of 10.

but anyways.

we stopped talking for a while and then came back to eachother like we always do.

but there is this other girl that he likes too. but he says that he wouldnt ever go out with her. but he asked me if we could just claim eachother and blah blah blah instead of going out. just because when we go out we argue too much. and thats always been a problem with us is the arguing.

over the weekend i decided that we just need to move on and let it go.

earlier on. whenever i sa that he convinces me to stay.

this time i got my friend to tell him indirectly from me.

without him knowing that i told her to say that.

she was just like we were talking to sarah this weekend and she say she doesnt want you anymore.

i thought he would stop talking to me after that.

but of course he convinces me yet again. and he says that he loves me. and that he only likes her and that theyre not tht serious they just hang out everyonce in a while but he couldnt ever go out with her.

should i just stay obviously if hes taking so much to convince me?

i mean he says that he loves me and wants me like he tells my friends all the time.

which is what makes me stay




  1. If he love dyou enough he wouldn't be doing this.  He obviously has committment issues and there is nothing you can do about that.  He needs to figure that out on his own.  Commitment phobics are awful boyfriends.  There are guys out there who want to be loyal and committed to just one girl, and you deserve to be with a guy like that.  If you are fighting all the time, this is another bad sign. Love is easier than that.  I was once w/someone I argued with all the time, but we "loved" each other and kept seeing each other.  I regret not walking away earlier.  Move on with your life. It's too precious to just waste it on this loser.  

  2. don't stay or get w/ a guy who likes another girl thats bull

  3. leave him!

    he is two timing you. he is trying to make you stay so that way he can still have two girls.

    the more time you wast with him the less time you spend getting over him and finding a better guy who will treat you better.

  4. how old are you?

    i think you should let it go, but only because of this other girl. even if he does like her less than you, he still likes another girl and no relationship will survive with this. just be strong and tell him you cant be with him while he likes another girl, even if he does still love you, its wrong. if he likes another girl then he doesnt love you as much as he says. tell him you cant be with him if he likes another girl, give him the chance i guess.but dont let him convince you into thinking everythings fine when you know its not. thats one of my biggest mistakes.

    good luck hun!

  5. omg let him go! he's being a total jerk! if he loved you he wouldn't make you share him with another girl. He just wants to play two girls at matter how charming and convincing he is you need to realize that underneath that all he's a liar and a cheat. it might be hard to let go but it'll save you from wasting anymore of your time and getting in deeper. good luck!

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