
He makes me look bad?

by  |  earlier

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i am a black kid and he is like mixed w/ some sh*t.Whenever no one he knows is around he acts regular, but when he's around his friends he embarrasses me,asks me stereotypical questions,twists my words to make what i say sound bad,and makes me look bad.What should i do so that doesn't happen anymore?




  1. Don't you hate people like that? I would confront him and tell him what I think privately, if he continues to do it then, front on him so he can see how it feels and if he continues leave him alone because he don't seem like a good friend. He sounds like he wants to fit in and he's trying too hard and he thinks frontin on you and making you look bad might help him look like the better person which it doesn't. Don't let this keep going it will get worse, built up anger might overtake you then you will do something you might regret.

  2. You have to talk to him! Tell him if he doesn't stop, you won't talk to him anymore.. That's all you can do.

  3. you should talk to him and tell him how you feel! its going to be hard but that's the only way to make it stop! just have courage and don't be shy!

  4. Stop hanging around with him, I used to have a friend who did this to me. Often they are jealous and/or insecure. Stay with better friends.

  5. try to stay away from him

  6. **** his *** up, have fun

  7. stop hangin around him

  8. no efence to u and hm hes just embarresed to be around u or hes just using u so ditch him and find another friend that cares a liitel more thats my advice

    hope i hlped:P

    gd luk:D

  9. kick his a**

  10. you should say why do you do this your the one who said that and then twist his words and show him how it feels or just get mad at him and then when he asks you why your mad tell him the truth

  11. Find some real friends and stay away from this one.

  12. Kick his smelly a$$ and show him whos the man!  

  13. That is a sign of MAJOR insecurities so don't take it personal. But there are two way to go about this. You could either embarrass him in front of your friends! which could have two outcomes he could either shut up or you two could get to a big fight in front of all your friends. Second option is when its just you two tell him what he does and tell him how much it bugs you! and that might have a more positive outcome! So do whatever you think will work best!!!
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