
He my partner takes me out then plays with other women in front of me ?

by  |  earlier

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says it means nothing




  1. ...and you didn't join in?  What's the matter with you?

  2. Means nothing to him but does to you> So if this is how much he thinks of you to flaunt he manly manner in front of you> Life will only get worse>Your call there are gentlemen out there if you look>

  3. Maybe he just wants you to give him the okay for a threesome.  If he finds someone that you like also, he feels the chances are better in asking.  Either that, or you have found one of the very few a**holes, and he is doing his best to not show you any respect or love.  I guess it is up to you to choose which one you have.  If he is out playing with other women, then that leaves you open to play with other men, two can play this game.  Good luck.

  4. Plays with? What does that mean? It sounds like he is being rude.

  5. If this bothers you talk to him...if it doesn't change...move on...

    Either that or join in on the fun...the choice is up to you.

  6. it's nothing.  

  7. what do you mean "plays" with? like flirts, touches, or just jokes around??

  8. Is this the Imbecilic grammer thread? No wonder he plays around with other women in front of you. He must figure if you can't write a proper sentence you certainly won't be able to figure out what he's doing with women.

    No they aren't having oral s*x in front of you. He's just brushing her teeth.

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