
He never calls me??? :(

by  |  earlier

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Whenever me and my boyfriend are together we have a lot of fun and he seems really into me, but he never calls me! I'm always the one to call, and if I don't, he gets his feelings hurt. And usually when he says he'll call, he never does. I've tried talking to him about it but he just says "I like getting called first." But it hurts because I'd like him to show he cares once in a while. Any advice?





  2. Let him know its a 2 way street and u wanna get called sum times 2 or dont call him as much just cut bac. he just likes u chasing him

  3. If getting a call from him means that much to you, then for an extended period of time stop calling him and see if the relationship moves forward.  If it doesn't, then you'll know that he is more interested in having his needs met than in meeting yours.  That would be a very important thing to know, and the earlier you find out (one way or another) the better.

    It's nice to periodically get a call from someone you love just to know that he/she is thinking about you.  We all like to have that happen once in a while, but (and I'm sorry if this is offensive to you) it sounds like both of you are a little needy or insecure.  Think about it. Do you really need for him to call you a certain number of times a day in order to feel loved, for him to prove his love or to believe that he's not up to something?

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