
He never wants to have s*x! Help?

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My fiancee no longer wants to have s*x or even talk about it. When we first starting dating we would do this no less than once a week it seemed and he always seemed to enjoy it but now when I try to start anything I get an "not right now" or "is all you think about is s*x." This didn't start until after he found out one of my friends asked me what it's like being with a bigger guy but he's only 175 at 5' 10". What can I do?




  1. maybe you 2 should try counseling for couples so he can really say whats on his mind about s*x and why he looks at it so differently now

  2. You should come straight out ask him what's up. Ask him, when you're not in the mist of trying to have s*x with him, why he is no longer interested in s*x. Explain that you like and want s*x because you find him s**y as h**l and you have a active s*x drive, Maybe he will tell you the real reason he doesn't want it and then the both of you can address it. Good luck!

  3. Tell him you are not gonna marry someone that can't satisfy you if he wants to keep you he better start puttin out!!!

  4. try seeing a marriage counselor if he won't talk about it with you alone. the best thing to do would be to just say what you need to say calmly and then have him reply. if his reply is bad then it's time for the counselor.  

  5. Get out. If i was you i would leave. Do you think he is cheating on you?

  6. he's tired of the same ol' v****a already and he's not even married yet! Dont get married yet!  He may be cheating on you.  

  7. Tell him the wedding is off.You shouldn't have been having s*x anyway,but the thing is you are finding out he is hurt and angry about your past relationship with the smaller guy(if I understood your statement correctly).

    Do you want to have a marriage like the relationship you have now?This is how it will be.

    Tell him it is time to hash it out now,whatever it is that is bothering him or to call it all off.

  8. Unless you are willing to live in a sexless marriage/relationship, then get out now.

  9. If you guys do not share a similar libido, this can be a big issue.

  10. If he isn't fcking you now, i suggest you don't marry him, cause he will turn into a husband who won't fck you, then you will be looking for it elsewhere.

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