
He said he thinks he loves me?

by Guest44954  |  earlier

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Okay so about a week ago me and my boyfriend stayed up all night to talk to each other, and it was really nice and he said that even when im talking about the most unimportant things,he's still interested in what im saying like he wants to know everything about me. Then when it was time for him to go he said he thinks he might love me (i thought it was sorta weird because i think you should wait till you know for sure) and i didn't know what to say back, i was sort of in shock that he said it. He asked if it would be ok if he said that he loves me, and i said i think he should only say it if your absolutely sure that you do. Anyways the next day i asked him about it and he said he didn't know why he said that, and that he only really likes me & thought he just really wanted love (idk if that makes sense..) Idk if he meant it or not now and im kind of confused as to why he would almost say he loves me one night then the next day he says he isn't sure why he even told me you think he meant it? Btw we fight/argue A LOT. we're trying to work things out and trying to stop. Why would he do that? was he just thinking it would have been a good time to or does he really not love me? any opinions, suggestions&advice are welcome! please help me here =) sorry if that got a little confusing.

thanks =D




  1. He is just trying to get laid, you're too young to worry about this now, Im sure your parents would rather you get good grades, get a job and date, but don't settle down or get tied down GOOD LUCK

  2. i think that maybe he may jus really like u alot and he is in a state of emotions where he wants to say he loves you but doesnt really mean it to the entirety. but he pulled back the next day becuz of how u reacted to wat he said...

    am sure the boy is crazy about u but not necessarily in love just yet. he will get there though, if all goes well.

  3. It makes sense.  Good for him for seeing through his emotions.  Our bodies and minds want love so bad, sometimes they fool us into thinking we are.  

    Its totally okay, and it doesn't mean he wont love you, it just means that he doesn't right now.  

  4. He might actually love you, but your reaction just wasn't what he expected and it may have "scared" him off a bit. It might have made him decided to wait a while on saying it. Since you didn't say it back, he probably feels a little stupid for saying it.

    Good luck with everything. :)


    Not saying that you should tell him you love him, wait until your ready.

    Plus, it could have just been the moment that made him feel that way, he could have acted on impulse and now that he's had some time to think, he realizes he just likes you a lot. Not that he won't love you, it just takes time.  :)

  5. how long have you guys been together? apparently not long enough to love each other,your right he shouldn't say it if he doesn't mean it. you just have to realize that guys are just as messed up when it comes to emotions as girls are, maybe even worse.

  6. I think he was caught up in the sweetness of the moment. Or maybe he was tired. But I really don't think he means it. He might have meant it at the time, but when he's wide wake and thinking clearly, things are different.  

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