
He said ok... now he says we should think about it real hard. Help!?

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Ok 3 months ago I told my husband I would like to try for another baby. We have 2 (girl9 boy 6) and I feel like my body is craving to have another. He said sure lets do it, so we had s*x like rabbits for days (may26-27) I ovulated on the 30th.

He comes to me on the 31st and says maybe we should think about this real hard... Well I am starting to get tired and my breast are so sore I cant take them out of the bra (I'm not supose to start till 12th of June). I believe we have already made # 3.

He says he will be fine either way, but now I am feeling like he really wont want this baby if we do fall pregnant. Why didnt he just tell me in the begining instead of waiting till there is no going back?

Still waiting to see but I have been down this road and I believe we are gonna have a new baby.

He is scared because he is 46 and he thinks he will be to old when this child gets older. I am 31




  1. He's just getting cold feet. If you are pregnant, well, its just too late to cancel. Wait until you get confirmation before getting panicky.

  2. Don't worry! Everything will be fine

  3. he is just worried that he might not be as god a father as he has been because he is getting older, trust when the baby comes along he will no it was the right thing to do. dont worrie just talk to him. good luck

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