
He says he's sick of me?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason out of the blue my husband says he's sick of me! We have a good relationship but don't talk much as he never knows what to say! He says he was only playing when he said it but I think there's more to it as he never kisses, cuddles or tells me he loves me without me asking.He says he is happy but I'm not sure. Any advice?




  1. Am a man and it sounds like he thinks that he is being ignored and wants a bit of attention - well he has got your attention now.

    Tell him this is serious and make him talk about his concerns and get everything out in the open so that both of you can resolve his concerns

    Good Luck

  2. I suggest you get the book 'We Can Work It Out' which is a couple therapy standard text and seek counselling.

    If you two carry on lacking intimacy and communication you will end up divorced further down the line.

    It would help you both really get the most out of your relationship and strengthen your ties.

  3. You life has probably just become too generic and dull you need to live'in it up a bit! I would suggest going to ann summers and trying out new costumes and playing s**y new games! Be more of a tease with  him like when you first started seeing each other, just be more spontanous!

  4. talk to him...

    if he doesnt start being more affectionate...pick a fight lol.

  5. First off you are a typical women. by that i mean i made the same mistake with my EX-wife but i didn't mean it either.... she asked me why i said it and and couldn't accept my HONEST answer that i was just sick of the way she made me feel whenever we had an arguement which was like c**p because us men tend to say things we dont mean out of frustration. seems that is a very big no no for a women to hear because you hang onto it and dwell on it and there is a good chance your hubby is was just frustrated when he said it and didnt mean. if you want to try and get over what he said ask him if it was because he was frustrated and if he is stressed over something and worried he is not making you happy. it was a contributing factor in me saying it to my ex and i  tried telling her that but like i said it seemed to bounce around her head to much and if you let it do the same to you then divorce is in the future. good luck and i hope this helps!

  6. there is nothing you can do! Speaking from the same experience! The only thing is you have to help yourself and you need to start looking at other men. I strongly recommend

  7. Well just keep living your life and do not expect him to love you or treat you as a wife.  Or tell him you are sick of his s*** and if he can't face up to his commitment then get a lawyer and set yourself free.

  8. sit down together and have a NO HOLDS BARRED discussion...

    full honesty from both sides... :D

    or write down your gripes and present them..

  9. bLOKES HATE TO TYALK SO IGNORE WOMEN SAYING SIT HIM DOWN ETC, THAT JUST WINDS US UP. gIVE IT week or so. IOf he isn't talking to you, don't talk to him but don't make it a **** atmosphere, still keep it warm witout the chat, just speak when spoken. Then he will have to talk, it's a kind of double bluff. You want to talk, but he doesn't but he will if it's played correct. I don't like doing this to a fellow man, but I don't like people upset either.

  10. Yea, get something on the side to take the edge off.  

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