
He says he & his wife are a family at home?

by  |  earlier

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but that she does her own thing and he does his own thing on the side. He says they are together for their daughter and thats all. Do I believe him? He has called me quite a few times but I just met him last week. Do I stop it here or do I take his word? I mean its kinda obvious but I've never been in this situation before.




  1. why does it matter what he says (yes, its probably a lie anyway).

    he has a family and you would be far from a priority. if thats the standards you have of your friends, its pretty weak.

  2. So he's either lying or is telling the truth and doesn't have the balls to get a divorce if he's miserable. Not my kind of man on either account....

  3. Stop it here!! He is looking for a s*x partner, you are devorced so go out and get some single friends...

  4. stop it here.  let it go now.  find someone who'll be there completely for you.

  5. hahaha...yeah i'm sure she doesn't understand him and they never have s*x either.

  6. run. run far away, they have a twistwd and demented marraige, is thatwhat you want to be a part of. don't be a pawn in his game cuz you will be the one hurt. it's all fun and games to him.

  7. Too much drama I would move on. His excuse is Lame and pathetic. Sounds like a LOSER.

  8. Honestly, you need to stop it right here....Even if he and his wife do their own thing, they still live together...which could mean sleeping together...and if you start to fall in love with him and then he and his wife decide to make their marriage are left in the cold.  Until he and his wife separate ...I would not go any further with him....because you will be the one hurt in the long run....and you will always be the other woman, and his wife will be first....

    Since you are not looking for a committment...this situation maybe good.    Do what makes you happy.....go for it

  9. that man is still married. you need to leave that alone and find someone who is not married. i thought that that was addressed in another question that you asked about this same situation. face it that is his "wife" not his "ex-wife". you need to back off and tell him to stay at home with his wife and kids and leave you the h**l alone!

  10. take it one day at a time.  If friends is all you want and that is all he is going to give you go for it.

  11. Being with a married man is just morally and biblical wrong and how can you do that to the family?

  12. BULLSHIT.  That's what he's telling you but I'd bet anything there's a whole other story.  She probably knows nothing about him doing his own thing, he's sneaking around and lying to her, himself and YOU.  Stay far far away from anyone who says he's married because of the child, finances, family, business, etc.  He's married because he wants to be and will sneak around on the side no matter who he's with.

  13. Just leave him alone.

    The I am only there for the kid is a bullsh*t reason to stay with someone. Kids are not stupid they can tell.

    He might be telling the truth but just leave him alone.

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