
He scares me but I really like him?

by  |  earlier

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I like this guy, and he asked me to go to the movies. I'm so nervous, and sometimes he scares me, but I like him, so I said yes. I'm now regretting it, but I'm all confused. He went out with my bffl and did nothing to her. Help please!!




  1. umm ....first of what way does he scare you? he like a gothic/emo/murderous figure type guy?....or do you mean you're like scared that he is gunna try to kiss you....or that he will try to kill you....or rape you lol ....if you really don't want to go out with him...then just make up an excuse tell him you already have plans...or that your mom isnt letting you go works trust me :)

  2. What about him frightens you?  Has he been known to be abusive to previous dates?  If he has a reputation for being violent, then listen to your instincts and stay away -- or else, make it a double-date, where you have some backup.  

  3. You need to clarify your issue if you want advice darling!

  4. What does he do to scare you?

    If you really want to go to the movies with him,

    you can invite a couple of friends with you so you won't

    be as scared.

    Gut instincts are usually right. Just be cautious around


    Tell your mom to tell him you have to go to a cousins party.

    That's what I usually do! (:


  5. wow i say if he scares you that much than don't go...but if you think you should becuase you already said yes than bring a friend with you to keep an eye out

  6. Gut feelings tend to be right. If he scares you, stay away. Or at least bring a friend. I hope that helps.

  7. Whats the question and how can you be anti jonas?????????.......~xoxo ally*

  8. Go but arrange for a couple of very good friends to be there too (accidentally on purpose).  See how you feel.  If you feel unsafe, you can suddenly feel ill and your friends would be there to see you home? Alternatively, just call it off!

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