
He smiles, it's like the RADIO?

by  |  earlier

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So, that Taylor Swift song--"Stay Beautiful"...I totally love it...I don't understand that part though. "Corey's eyes are like a jungle, he smiles, it's like the radio"

I figure "like a jungle" means he has green eyes, but what does it mean for someone to smile and it be like the radio?

I guess it could kinda mean since the radio plays music so it's pleasant?...But that just barely makes sense to me.

Is there some other explanation?




  1. Well, a song is a peom set to music and poets are notorious for taking "poetic license." So it means whatever the songwriter, Taylor Swift, meant it to mean. Many songwriters love it when listeners make up their own meanings for their lyrics and welcome feedback.

    You might try that. She has a website and here's one Q&A, you can go online and ask her directly:

    <<Q: Hey Taylor! I was wondering if the names you use in your songs (like Drew and Cory) are the names of real people that you had those experiences with. And if they are then have they tried to contact you in any way? (Sarah)

    Yes! Every name in every song of mine is the actual name of the person I wrote the song about..Yes, both have tried to contact me. In some cases, writing songs about people is a great way to help you get over them. Ha.>>

    Just go to the "gallery" section of her site

    -a guy named duh

  2. Ye, the song sent out in the distant planets by Americans via Voyager

    When a man comes on the radio

    and says how white my shirts can be

    but he cant be a man

    cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me

    I cant get no satisfaction

    Mick Jagger-The Rolling Stones

  3. Maybe because his smile is like a song.  There is just so much to his smile that it has lyrics to it.

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