
He thinks i had s*x with another guy.plz help!

by  |  earlier

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i messed up big time .Me and my guy have been together for almost 5 years .I met someone online and we talked on the phone and texted for a couple months now .My boyfriend looked at my cell yesterday and read all the texts .Nothing dirty at all and i swear to god i never even meet this guy in person .We where just friends .i gave my boyfriend my sprint account password and he saw all the times me and that guy talked .A couple times we talk like for 2 hours but for the whole 5 months i have been friends with this other kid we only talked on the phone i would say about 20 times and never for that long .My boyfriend is accusing me of having s*x with this kid and having oral s*x with him .I would never do that to him i never even seen this kid in person .What can i do to make my boyfriend believe me .He said it's over and he never wants to speak to me again .I'm completely heartbroken .Any advice would seriously be very helpful




  1. First, you shouldn't deny anything.  What is there to deny right? It appears that your boyfriend is a very jealous person.  

    Here are links:

    How to deal with a jealous person:

    Below is another link where people discuss on how to deal with jealous people.  This is are advices from real people and who are probably ALSO jealous people:

    Hope this helps.  Most of the advices would be to talk to this person, however, I know how easy it sounds.  5 years of a relationship, shouldn't be wasted.  My advice, is to understand the reason and determine if he REALLY is jealous or something.  My personal advice won't help your situation (being heartbroken) so, for now, try to understand the reason.  Hope this helps. ^_^

  2. Tell him he shouldn't just throw away your relationship. And that he can't just walk away because you didn't even cheat on him. Tell him you were wrong for not telling him about this guy you've been calling and texting..and that you don't even think the other guy is cute or worth cheating on him for. Tell him all the reasons why you love him and why he should stay with you. Bring up old things you've done for him and good times. And that he's the only one for you.

  3. You messed up big time. Now you are heart broken because of what you did. If you didn't have s*x with him did you ever intended to cheat? Move on! He broke up with you so that means he doesn't want your lying ***, I would not believe you either if I was him!  

  4. Deny everything about ever meeting or having s*x. You can also tell him that you did not want to hurt this other guy's feelings that is why you were unable to tell him to leave you alone and you thought it was a harmless behavior, did not mean anything to you. Somehow things got out of hands you never meant to let it go this far. Your boyfriend must be really hurt give him some time to heal. I think he will calm down but his pride won't let him to do that just yet. Things will get better.

  5. There had to be some reason why you never told him about the dude in the first place. When a guy has to find out about someone else in their girlfriend's life by snooping around, it really sucks. You probably were banging him, or were planning to.  

  6. im with the guy above me, you did messed it up. i mean come on, talking to someone online then talked on the phone 2 hours?! i never talk to ANYBODY that long unless it is my best friend or a close relative of mine like my brother. obviously you are showing some interest and lack of interest in your boyfriend. you would've have done it if you were truly committed to him

  7. Well, it appears you did have interests in the other person. But, the jerk shouldn't have dropped you based on text messages and phone calls. Hey you need to get on with your life your friend appears insecure with his relationship with you. You don't need this kind of baggage. MOVE ON!!!

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