
He toke my virginity?

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my boy friend toke my virginity and i dont know if i should tell him?!?! guys would u freak out if this happened to u because i cant stop thinking bout it

and the thing is im 13 and he's 14

and our friends keshia told me not to freak out about it but i cant help it !!!!

oh and i think he got me pregnant !!!!!! WAT DO I DO!?!?!?!?!?!?




  1. He didn't "take" your virginity, you gave it to him.  At only 14, its likely that he was a virgin too (then again, it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't).  Just tell him if its weighing that heavy on your heart.  As for the possible pregnancy, just wait to see if you're late and take a test.

  2. I think that at the age of 13 and 14 your boyfriend probably knew that you were a virgin.  There is nothing to really freak out about.  If you are pregnant you will know pretty soon and you will have to make a decision if you want to keep the baby, adopt it out or do what you think is best.  Make sure that you talk about it with your boyfriend because if you shared your virginity with him then you must be close and you don't want to do this alone.  Good luck.  I'm sorry that you have grown up so fast and having to make tough decisions.

  3. First off, I can't believe that you are more concerned with telling some dude that he TOOK your virginity, then you are with the fact that you're 13 and could be pregnant. Shouldn't the fact that you could be pregnant be your main concern??

    Secondly, your 13 years old for crying out loud. What are you thinking messing around at your age???

    First thing you need to do is to tell your folks what's happened. So you can find out for sure if your pregnant or not. Second thing you need to do is keep you clothes on until you're old enough to realize what you're doing.

    I know that telling your folks is the last thing you want to do. But it is the best thing you can do.  

  4. First off unless you are raped nobody takes your virginity. You give

    it away just like you did to your boyfriend. You allowed him the intimacy of your body and he only did what comes naturally. That is what happens when children play at being adults. You have learned the same lesson a lot of young women learn that if you play with fire you will get burnt. If you really think you could be pregnant I suggest you talk to your parents. You have two weeks in which you can take the 'morning after' pill to prevent pregnancy. You might want to consider this.

  5. first things first. please get on birthcontrol and use protection. There is no excuse for irresponsibility. And yes this may involve talking with an adult. Which you should be able to do if you believe you are old enough to have s*x. You should tell him. It's nothing to be embarassed about and you need to talk to him about your feelings and about using protection in the future.

  6. Why did you make the choice to become sexually active at 13?

    What is the point in telling the boyfriend that you were a virgin until you made the choice to have s*x with him? What is that supposed to accomplish?  It's not going to change anything. The fewer the people who know about it, the fewer the people who can repeat it.

    If you are afraid you got pregnant after you made the choice to have s*x with him, wait the required period and take a home pregnancy test. I really don't know how early a home pregnancy test can be reliable but I think it's very early now.

  7. most people in here are grown so I don't think we would know.

  8. just tell him he will not care and then tell your parents that  you may be pregnant but i dont think you are

  9. look I'm 13 2!!! but what where you thinking having s*x when you r 13!!!!!! i know we r going through puberty and we r  irresponsible that's why u should do the mature thing and talk to ur mom!!!  

  10. first of all if they guy you are with doesn't even know that you were a virgin prior to him then obviously you havne't been with him long enough to be having s*x...that and your only 13 and he is only 14...and no i doubt your pregnant...evey girl seems to freak out and think they are pregnant after the first time they have s*x..i don't get it..and chances are you just did it which would be way to early to even begin to tell

  11. The first time is always scary. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend at the age of 14. Try not to freak out, your really to young to be having s*x, believe me I learned from expierence. Take a pregnancy test. But chances are your probably not and your just scared and freaking out. I see nothing wrong with telling him you were a virgin.

  12. tht sucks u should tell he deserves to knoww

  13. If you cant spell then ur sure not really for s*x.

    Plus 13 is a bit young....

    And Just figure out if your pregnant before you freak out.

    and if you are

    Then the boy and your parents need to know..

  14. you are way to young to be doing that and you need to just wait it out to see if your pregnant but i think you should stop having s*x until you are mature enough hope that helps

  15. first,

    you cant spell took,

    and second your probably not pregnant.

  16. Talk to your mum.

    If you can't talk to a friends mum or an aunt etc..

    You should be concerned for yourself not him right now.

    You need to see a doctor with your mum to see if

    you are pregnant. I also suggest your mum talks to his

    parents about what has happened.

    Since you seem to know so little about what you have done or what will happen next you really need to tell your mum.

    Don't be afraid - she was young too and will understand - you cannot do this without her help. Keshia is wrong - this is a very serious matter - it is illegal for a start - although because of your ages I don't think he will be in too much trouble - good luck!

  17. First of all he didn't take your virginity, you gave it to him. (unless it was rape and it wasn't) Did you use protection??? If not you very well could be pregnant and have some sort of STD.

  18. Oh my....firstly don't freak out---It has already happened.  If he is your boyfriend for a while and you feel you have a close relationship you can tell him...but boys this age start to freak out about stuff themselves and if he feels you are going to be a nut and attached to him because of this he might distance himself.  I would make it into a more casual thing---and not make him feel weird about it.  Also if you really think you are pregnant get a test.  If you thought for any reason you could have gotten pregnant you could have gotten the morning after pill---it will only work if you take it within 72 hours of having s* is not stopping a pregnancy but stopping you from getting pregnant in the first place.  STOP having s*x...he now thinks that you have done it once with him that you will keep having it---be strong and don't do it!   It's so hard to explain to someone why you shouldn't have s*x when you are so young---I know you feel like you know everything and you understand relationships---but you will not be with him in a year probably---don't put yourself in a situation where you would have to go through an abortion or getting pregnant and not finishing school....Wait ---you have time----be innocent for a bit---Don't worry about doing things that you don't want to do or need to do at this age.  I know how you feel--of course I have been there--although I didn't have a boyfriend until i was 17....but I couldn't imagine the weight you feel on your shoulders from being pushed to do things that are way beyond your years....Please just stop and think ...if you were in a good healthy relationship like you will have in the future this wouldn't be an issue---your bf would be your friend and not just a boy toy.
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