
He told me he loved me after 3 weeks of seeing each other!

by  |  earlier

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I've been seeing this really great guy for 3 weeks now, and we've been spending pretty much every day together. The other day we decided that we were going to take the next step in "seeing each other" and have s*x. We didn't really say when but the other night we got pretty drunk and it just sort of happened. Afterwards he told me he loved me! and I told him he didn't know what he was talking about, even though he tried his best to convince me that he really does! the next morning when we woke up he said last night was a blur and so I didn't mention what he said to me. I don't know what to think about, I was told that sometimes peoples inner conscience sort of comes out sometimes when they're drunk, is this true? what should I do? what does this say about him?




  1. there are a few types of drunks... and ya peoples inner emotions come out when they drink... if they're sad they cry... if they're angry the get violent... it amplifies their emotions... he loves you...

  2. You shouldn't have had s*x with him.  It is way too soon.  If you like a person for 3 weeks, the next step isn't s*x!!  The next step is to keep dating to find out if you love this person.  Then you get married and then you have s*x.

    s*x isn't a toy or a game.  s*x is a very big deal.  You aren't even sure of how you feel about this guy before you had s*x with him and then you freaked when he said that he loves you.  

    Slow down.  Absolutely do NOT have s*x with him (or anybody else) again until you're absolutely sure that you know him well, that you love him, and that he loves you.  Even then, you would be better off to wait until your wedding night.

  3. I think if a guy told me he loved me that soon I would probably have a bad feeling about him. Guys that jump at me too soon come off as insecure and clingy which I can't stand.

    Maybe it isn't this way in your case. Maybe he feels that you have some special connection and he just felt comfortable saying it. Maybe he thought that you would feel the same way.or maybe he feels guilty for the s*x too soon so says he loves you to not feel as bad.

    If that's not how you feel then I wouldn't say it out of obligation. Just say something like "I really enjoy the time we spend together. I just want to take this a little slower and see how it develops for me. I think we have the potential to feel the same way."

  4. It says that you had a great time and the drinking made it seem even better. Good s*x does not equal love. I found myself very needy for acceptance and love at a low time in my life. I met a similar person who "knew" he loved me. He wooed me and I thought marriage was the next step. Soon after (and I mean SOON) I discovered he was a liar (stating I had not asked him questions "correctly" to get a true answer) he mislead me on very important issues and is vary mean. The loving man I dated crops up every now and then. I am not saying to end things, I am saying to pay attention to the level of control he seems to need to have over things in his life and yours as time goes on.  

  5. No, when people are drunk they loose their inhibitions. As a general rule, don't trust anything someone says when drunk, just after, just before or during s*x.

    So don't mention it or you'll either embarass or terrify him. Take the relationship slowly and don't get too pushy, and after you know each other well, he may say it when sober and fully dressed. This is much more reliable. If you push too hard he'll panic, go slowly and you'll get there anyway.

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