
He told me too wait on s*x! I never heard that.. is he a keeper?? ?

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Ok.. this Guy I just started too talk too he's really feeling me,and I like him. He just got out of a serious relationship that lasted a year.. they broke up like 6months ago.But I can tell he likes me.. We were on the phone one day until like 3 in the morning he was telling me that its been a while since he did that.. it was cute another thing one day we were watching T.v and yes we started kissing I ask him are you ready for that.. I was not.. and he told me that we could wait! I loved that.. so the next day we hung out. Only thing he told me that he's not looking for love.. and I understand.. But I know that he will end up falling for me.

Its funny I always know what too say when it comes too guys but I make myself look like a dork. and he thinks its so cute! But I'm starting too think if I just wait I think something good is going too happen with us over time.. its funny he's looking for something new I really want too show him alot of new things.. So does he sound like a good guy? I'm really the preppy black chick.. that's in college and he's that kind of gangster guy. but we vibe really well? Trust me I kno how guys play games.. Im very good at them myself..




  1. .,what a dirty question..

    .,but still, I'll answer it,

    .,maybe, he is a keeper..

  2. Obviously hes interested in you because he rather get to know you than see whats underneath your clothes. Let him get to know you than! He says hes not looking for love, but perhaps that will change. You dont have to ask the question...I think hes a keeper. Take it slow and see what happens.

  3. First of all, when you're not looking for's when you ALWAYS find it.  I said the EXACT same thing when I met my now husband of almost 7 years.  I think the fact that he wants to wait shows that he has alot of respect for you and probably feels the same way you do as far this turning into something good.  He probably doesn't want to jeopardize that.  It sounds like he's a good guy who would treat you well.  I say wait, and see where things go.  Good luck!

  4. guys like him are rare to come by.

  5. Not so much a keeper... i mean ... he isn't looking for love... then he isn't looking to just be your friend... apparently he deep down wants more... and grow up a little ... games are never good to play on one another ... it fcuks with peoples emotions.  

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