
He traded me a car for labor on his vehicle but when i got the car fixed he changed our verbal agreement

by  |  earlier

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now he wants me to buy all the parts and do the labor, so I will give him back the car. he wants the car back after he signed the title, he doesn't care about the other vehicle that needs work, he wants to sue us for the car back don't know what to do, no written agreement he was a friend




  1. >> he was a friend

    Yes - it is better you found out NOW than later.


    Verbal agreements are very dangerous (like your case).  If you already have a signed title, then don't worry.

    Good luck...

  2. A verbal agreement is worthless.  

  3. Check with the local government outfit that handles title transfers.  Lay it out for them.  And you do realize he is now an ex-friend, right?

  4. Uh, if he signed the title over to you, the car is yours.  

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