
He treats me like c**p?

by Guest61776  |  earlier

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This is my confession.

I know this might sound arrogant and stuck up, but I know that I could get with any other guy but I stay with him. He treats me like a w***e. One time he even threw money in face and told me to f*ck off after s*x. We are very abusive to each other and I turn into a monster when we are together. I have slapped him and pushed him and he has hit me too.

But he is rich and popular and in public we look so happy and perfect.

I want to leave him but then everytime I think I have the courage to do it, I can't do it. There are things that I love about him, and I feel so stupid and I hate myself for staying with him and I hate him for treating me so horribly.

Tonight, I think I will be able to leave him. I just needed to get this off my chest right now. I hope I will have the courage to do this for once and for all.




  1. It's been said that people will treat you the way you allow them to treat you.  He treats you that way because he knows you'll let him and it makes him feel powerful.

    If a man needs to make a woman feel bad so he can feel powerful, quite frankly, he's a jerk.  You go girl.  You have the courage, it's already in you.

  2. I don't think its courage you need--its self-respect!!!

    How dare ANY man treat you like that!!!  Who cares if he has $$$ or you "look" perfect together!  So do movie star couples but most of them don't last either, so get over that!

    Let us know tomorrow if you did it!  We'll be disappointed if you don't!

  3. OMG are you dating my Ex?? LOL I swear that it sounds just like him!

    I have felt exactly how you feel..knowing d**n well you can find someone better but just don't have the guts to leave and find the man that you deserve. As crazy as it sounds it's because really deep down we think that we deserve the abuse and mistreatment...usually stems back from our childhoods...(did mine anyways) But please believe me when I say this, you deserve better but the only way you will get if you leave him. Even if you end up alone....alone is better!

    So take it from someone that has lived that lifestyle for over 4 years....leaving him will more then likely be the hardest thing you will have to do....but it will be more then worth it!

  4. I'm pretty sure this is bullshit, but if it isnt....

    Biiittch.... You think I really give a FACK?

    My mans is ridin'. He has the money and he ***** b*****s. That's the lifestyle.

    He doesn't own you ****. It's your fault for latching on for him. My man would have been fine by himself, he has enough cash to dish out for cheap p***y.

    You can't leave him because you know that he's your meal ticket and so you don't become one of those homeless people on the street that you despise.

    You have no guts, you spineless jellyfish. You can't stand up for yourself because you'll have nowhere to go. Daddy and Mommy are buried underneath the earth and you're going to become a prostitute if you do.

    You're ******* screwed.

    Too bad for you. I know your type.

    Expensive enough to shop, cheap enough to ****.

    **** b*****s, get money.

  5. he does not treat you with love and respect

    thus he doesn't like or love you

    dump him

    keep us informed via this message board

  6. I hope you have the courage to leave also.  You deserve to be in a true loving relationship and not in an abusive one.  I know it is hard but you need to do what is right for your future so you can be happy.  Good luck...

  7. honey, this is NOT love but more like codependance. you have to look at yourself and ask yourself, why are you w/ someone that doesn't value you..egads.."throws money at you?" my word..

    I hope you have have some self respect and find someone who can giv eyou the love you most certainly want and deserve. it's definately not this chump.

  8. Tuco usually has something to say.

    This time I will only say:



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