
He tried to have s*x with me even though he knew I had a very painful yeast infection?

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Should I dump him?

We've been dating seriously for 2 months. The previous night we had s*x for a couple hours, I was in a lot of pain and told him but I figured I was just sore. Later that night I looked at myself and determined I had a yeast infection, I told him about it and that that's why I was so sore. He slept over, the next morning he tried to put it in again, which hurt like h**l! I didn't think he was actually going to, I screamed in pain and he stopped. I felt hurt by this because he knew I was in so much pain, why would he even try? I've been sore a lot for the past while because he is so big and we have hours long sessions, he is my first, now I've had 3 yeast infections and 1 bladder infection in the past 2 months. I feel miserable. The first yeast infection was due to him messing around in the wrong area (anal to vaginal), then I had a bladder infection and got the second Y.I. from the antibiotics, now I'm on the pill and stupidly wore a thong the other day, and I think that's the reason for the third one. Still, if I'm in so much pain, shouldn't he respect that without me having to tell him repeatedly?

Note: I saw a doctor for the first YI to confirm the diagnosis, and I've had the exact same symptoms for the second two, so I'm 99% sure that's what it is.




  1. 1) If he is a really decent guy he would respect you in every way! 2) Did you talk to your doc about all you Y.I and the bladder infection? There could be more going on there than you think. 3) Tell him if he wants anal than he can't have the other. Once you go in the out door, you can't go in the IN door! Or have him wash up or use a condom. Something to protect yourself! Respect for yourself as well, you are the one that pays. Not him! 4) Educate yourself about these things. This way you don't end up suffering like that. 5) Do you void after intercourse? That means urinate. 6) Clean yourself after intercourse as well. 7) Lots of fluids. I hope this helps. I wish somebody would have told me these things. I'm not a doctor, but I learned to ask mine a lot of questions.  

  2. well he does not care about you,only what you give.  if he cared he would understand,and let you heal.  get rid of him,he is very disrespectful in my eyes.  Men are pigs,we have to face it.  Yours really is swine.  Let him go,he would rather get his d*** wet,then not have you in pain.  Honey he really does not care about you....well hope you feel better...

  3. we go...I understand your concern about having yeast infections and everything, but what about contacting other sexually transmitted diseases? From what I get, you are having unprotected s*x. However, y.i. is not an STD. Also, you're having over an hour of s*x...the v****a usually starts to dry up after so long and it will start to get painful. The pain usually last for a couple of days. And on top of the long sessions, he's "big"...more pain.

    Your bf..he's a guy...guys usually think if you put a band aid on it, it'll heal by tomorrow. But you stated that he stopped when you screamed...he would only have access if you gave him one...right? I'm not trying to put the blame on you, but its what you're allowing. Have you said "NO" straight up? If not, then you should edu-ma-cate him...know what I mean. And tell him "NO". If he understands, cool...if not...tough, there are others out there. Just because he's your first does not mean he should be your last.

    Just something to take into consideration:

    Symptoms of Yeast Infection:

    vaginal itching

    vaginal burning

    vaginal irritation

    painful urination

    painful sexual intercourse

    odorless vaginal discharge (may be thick whitish-gray and cottage-cheese-like or may be watery in consistency

    Symptoms of chlamydia (STD):

    Painful urination.

    Cloudy urine.

    Abnormal vaginal discharge.

    Painful sexual intercourse

    Vaginal itching.

    Lower abdominal pain.

    Fever and general tiredness.

    Swollen and painful glands at the opening of the v****a

    See your Dr. to make sure that this 100% - Yeast infection.

    Good Luck.

  4. Im going through the same thing i had vaginitis not due to my bf but because of my past its gotten really bad recently but hes respected me i think your man should to and if hes giving you this how do you know hes not cheating on you youve only been with him 2 months what does that say be smart girl and learn from your bad expieriences just dump him

  5. He sounds like a self centered moron and he doesn't respect you or your body.  You should have stopped s*x the night before when you were first in pain.  Good s*x doesn't hurt if there is pain stop immediately.  If a guy cares about you then he cares about yourr  pleasure too. This guy is a crappy, uneducated lover who knew you were in pain and continued to s***w you anyway.  You deserve better.  You already know the answer to "should I dump him," in your heart you know he is using you. This guy is just looking for a place to stick his d**k  -   Would you have approached him if the situation were reversed?  Don't put out for the wrong reasons.  

    My bf would never approach me if he knew I was in pain and I wouldn't approach him if I knew he didn't feel up to par either.  Mutual respect.

    Having a first bf is just like any thing you try, the first time isn't the best. The first step you took, the first time you rode a bike, or roller skated - with practice you got better at all of those things and you will get better at spotting great guys that deserve to spend time with you.

  6. He is probably passing the yeast infection back to you.  He needs to take medication as well as you to get rid of this yeast infection once and for all.  Speak to your doctor about it.

    Besides that yes he is being a real jerk!

  7. You need to learn how to say "NO" to you b/friend. If your b/friend cared about your health and HIS he would not pressure you to have s*x. Im sure the Dr. told you this but if you have s*x when you got a yeast infection you can affect him as well and than he can give if right back at you, which is probably why you keep going through this. Take care of yourself and make him go to the Dr. too and if he doesnt listen than you need to learn to do whats best for you and your health ans stay away from this selfish guy.

  8. He should not only think about himself. Looks like he is selfish.  

  9. Obviously you have been in a lot of pain! Gosh.

    He should definitely respect you...he just probably doesn't understand. Men are pretty dumb sometimes. If you have talked to him about it and let him know exactly how you feel and he still doesn't respect it...thats all you can do.  

  10. You are absolutely right. When someone tries to have s*x with you against your will then this is classed as rape. However, I don't think you need to go running off to the police just yet. You need to sit him down and explain to him that you can't have s*x with him until your infection clears up. Make sure he listens very carefully and understands. If he loves you then he will be patient and wait until the infection clears up. If he tries anything like that again then if I were in your shoes I would tell him to back off and leave you alone. He obviously has no concern for you feelings and he's not worth it. If he needs to have s*x with you then there is something wrong with him. Don't let him do anything stupid again. Take care!

  11. lol, a yeast infection!

    hee hee hee whats one of them wen its at home lmao

  12. You are dating a guy who really does not care about you for anything but a s*x object!  And this guy knows nothing about hygiene.  What kind of a guy would still try to have s*x when you are in such obvious pain?  Did he get mad in the morning when you made him stop?

    You need to get away from this guy, and clean up your body, and then find a guy who actually has feelings for you as a person!

  13. you should consider dumping him if something like that happens again.  If he can't be considerate enough to realize that its not fair for him to even attempt to put you through more pain than you already are then he obviously doesnt care about your wellbeing, and has no respect 4 your body.And why would somebody want to have unprotected s*x with someone who has a yeast infection thats not very smart.

  14. I wouldn't dump him.  Guys are guys and they don't understand the concept of a yeast infection.  Sit him down and talk to him.  Take him information from your dr on yeast infections and have him read it.  If he still persists after having all the facts, then dump him because he doesn't care if he doesn't change.

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