
He used me and now hes with her!what should i do!HELP please?

by  |  earlier

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He hurt me by the worst EVER you can do to a girl.

He said he wanted me and loved me,He said if i got a abortion that he would stay with me,stupidly i believed him and a day after without even telling me had to find out for myself that hes got with some other girl.He said to me stright after i still want to be your mate though and we can still meet up i want to help you through this.But how can he say this when hes broke my heart?

i dont even like him in that way anymore,but i want to hurt him,play him ,mess him just like he did to me!

what should i do?

Thanks for all your answers!




  1. do you know what.....?

    men are little idiots

    dont waste tears on him

    because he isnt on you

    and its more than likely he'll hurt the next girl and the next

    it may hurt alot but see it like this

    you've got that pig out of your life and you deserve someone better

    someone that would love you and want you to have their child

    and if you want to hurt him, dont meet up with him

    show him you've moved on and dont need him

    because that will hurt the most

    he'll see it as if your not always thinking about him and you couldn't care less

    thats gonna get on his nerves

    good luck

  2. dont try and get back at him ive been there trust me it doesnt work it just makes everything worse. if you really want to get back at him go ahead but it doesnt change anything!!

  3. getting back at him will only make things worse & you don't need that right now. you have enough on your plate it seems & if this guy did this to you, honestly, he isn't worth it & you need someone who is going to be there for you at all times & be 100% honest!

  4. Eat pickled gerkins and drink apple juice

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