
He wants a house party for his 13th birthday?

by Guest61180  |  earlier

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I feel harsh saying no because my 16 year old had one for his birthday and all his friends have had them at some point. What do you think about it?




  1. pool party is great!

    he can invite alot of friends 4 boxes of pizza, 3 sodas and 2 cakes!

    lots of music and gifts it would be amazing!

  2. tell him he can have one when he gets his own house, and to stop being such a selfish crybaby.

  3. say yes. why not?


  4. At 13? He does not need a house party. He will get over it. Tell him when he starts to pay the bills he can have his own house party

  5. 13 a bit young!

    Maybe 15!!


  6. say yes you miserable cow don't be so tight. you're only young once .. he will hate you forever if you're unreasonable like this x*x

  7. yeah my 13 year old wants one too. we are letting her as we will be there and so will a few of my friends to oversee the mess makijng event! you should let him and use it as an excuse to get some of your friends over  

  8. Say yes.

  9. Sixteen is very different then Thirteen.

    I'd say that he could have a few friends over for pizza ice cream and games. thats it.  

  10. a house party at 13 is rediculus

    he doenst need one

    this way his 16th one will be much better


  11. meet in the middle and let him have a few (5) friends over for pizza and playstation! and let them sleep over if you think you can handle 7 teenage boys!!! i dont think i could!!

    good luck

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