
He wants me to send him my work after not paying me ???

by  |  earlier

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Guy calls me. Wants me to recruit attorneys to help attorneys grow their Law business or optimize their law practice by providing services. I have no contract, w2, w4 or anything in writing that he promised me. I have yet to be paid for the last two weeks from being due last friday. I have got paid before, but always a week or more late. I dont know if im working for him or not, he keeps sending me emails saying...send me results, I ask what results, he does not respond in specifics, although I have got him his first attorney to sign, office space set up, etc, so he has results from me. He is a fool, humiliating, and out of line with me on a daily basis. His partner will not respond to my calls, or emails for specific information needed. I have produced more off of my ads, than his lame website in which he promised me would bring in more calls than I could handle. NOTHING from his website, now he wants me to send him the more than 50 resumes I have received. Do I do it, or is he trying to fly off of MY efforts, and not his own failed website, thus STEALING my work, and not paying me ? How do I respond to his email professionally and tactfully, I will remain professional, even if he does not.

His "company" does not even exist, no EIN number, only a website telling people he is a consulting group, his "corporate" office is a virtual office rented by the month that has people answer the phones, and forward the calls to me, or him, by the way I pay for my cell for his business calls, he will not pay for it, and says he will not "contract" me after promising me he would. What is this person up to? Yes I am too trusting, should have followed my instincts, but hoped this was something I could make happen with him. I work from home. I need an opinion on this from an attorney if he would be so kind as to help shed some light on this...




  1. If he pays you, you do it.

    If he doesn't, you don't.

    When he asks for the results, you ask for the money.

  2. Only give him work for which you're paid - so if there's a problem paying on time, demand it up front. This has all of the earmarks of a scam as well. Check it out well.

  3. You don't owe him anything.  You aren't his slave, are you?  

    Do not give him anything, cease communicating with him entirely unless and until he pays you.

    Further, you might have a claim against him, especially if you have any documentation reflecting his agreement to pay you for your services.  (Note that this can include written communication of any kind, including e-mail.)

    Don't give him anything.  Quite obviously you are skilled at recruiting people, so look elsewhere for work.  You can use what you have done here as support for your job application.

  4. your dealing with schemers. respond by saying that you can no longer refer qualified lawyers until said amount, due to me, is paid in full. I hope you kept a record of the lawyers you did send, signed by them, so as proof you did the referring. in the future, you need to draw up a contract that is signed by all parties so as to avoid any complications about you fee.

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