
He wants our song to be "Stickwitu" by The Pussycat Dolls.?

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Don't get me wrong, I like the song and I love the Pussycat Dolls. I'm sure he thinks I'm estatic that he picked this song. BUT I'm not so sure that I want to write "The Pussycat Dolls" on my wedding program.

Also, there is a line in the song that says "we'll be making love endlessly". I'm not so sure I want my family having that picture in their head as the song plays.

He has been a so good about wanting to contribute and he seems really proud of himself for his song selection. I don't want to discourage him by shooting down his idea. Again, the songs not bad. It's just not my idea of a wedding song. Should I just let it go or should I suggest we pick another song?




  1. Choose a different song, Pussycat Dolls aren't even wedding material. Besides chances are he'll forget what song he chose come your 10th anniversary, but your family won't lol.

    May I suggest Boys to Men: I Do?

    or Let's Get Married by Jagged Edge?

  2. I'm a bit confused.  Is this to be the song you walk down the aisle to, the song they will be playing when you walk back down the aisle together, or will it be the song for the 'first dance' at your reception?

    My husband and I had no music at either our wedding or reception, but it was fine.  Why do you have to put the name of the 'performers' on your wedding program?  Would the recording be played, or would a pianist or organist be playing the 'tune'?

    I read the lyrics, and I think the song is PERFECT for a wedding, at any place.  You are 'young and hip' and this is a wonderful song ... as for the line 'we'll be making love endlessly' ... it doesn't mean 'having s*x endlessly' but means more the kind of 'making love' that is just living and being together always, even when you are apart, having unconditional love between the two of you.  It's a beautiful song if you think of it that way ... so 'let it all hang out' and use this song as your 'wedding song' ... you will be so glad you did so when you are old and grey and are thinking back to your wedding day.  It's not the 'sameness' that makes a wedding special, but the 'differences' and this song is 'different' but in a very good way.  

  3. Gross. Play the song later in the reception ... like after 10 p.m., but anything with ghetto slang and "u" isn't appropriate for a first dance. There has to be some more romantic song that you both love, that tells a great romantic story, and that the family can get with, too.

  4. I totally agree with you, I wouldn't be thrilled for that to be on the program either. Maybe it'd be okay to play it during the wedding but not as one of the main wedding songs. Your reasons are totally valid, why not just explain to him the same reasons you mentioned here as to why you'd rather not use that song? Just let him know you have some sensitive family members/guests that might not appreciate that type of song. I'm sure he will understand and hopefully he'll make a better second choice. :)  

  5. If you like the song, and he likes the song and it would mean something to you to dance to the song than don't worry about what your guests will think of the selection.

    If it really gets to you then maybe nicely suggest a couple others and see what he thinks about them. "Honey, I really like Stickwitu, but what do you think about ......."

  6. I think you should just be honest with him...  Maybe suggest you play it later in the night, because you do like the song, but don't think it's appropriate for the grandparents (etc) at the beginning of the night.  Just tell him what you told us, and I'm sure he will understand!

  7. that sounds g*y for a guy to like that, I'm just sayin, you should go for a more traditional romantic song like Eddie Money Baby Hold on to Me

  8. marriage revolves around honesty and openness. if you let it go now, you might find yourself letting go on very important family decisions. my suggestion is to tell him to pick three songs and you pick three songs, and you can both go over the lyrics together, and pick the best one. Explain the Pussycat Dolls situation to him. He probably picked it because you like them so much and he wanted to make you happy.

    Have fun at your wedding!

  9. Yes- pick another song for the wedding and first dance that is family appropriate, and listen to "your" song together in your room after the wedding.

    He is trying, but that seems to be a no brainer.

    Anyway- guys are from another planet than women, so give him a break- for he does not know what he is doing!

    Imagine- grandma sitting there talking about the Pussycat Dolls... not something I would want remembered at my wedding.

    Now as for your stripper question- there is the solution- go to a Pussycat Dolls concert- he sees beautiful women (while with you), he doesn't touch the girls (he is touching you), and you go home with a man who is ready for some fun with his lover!

    Going to a strip club alone or with guy friends is "cheating" in my view.

  10. My fiance and I will be dancing to "h**l and High Water" by Black Stone Cherry, but that's because we both love the song and it means a lot to us. Here's my question to you. Do you like the song? Don't worry about the dynamics/traditions of a wedding. Do you personally like the song, it's meaning, and it's message? If so go with it. Remember, the wedding is supposed to reflect on the both of you, not on your family, or years and years of tradition (unless that's the way you seriously want it). Everyone at the reception knows that the bride and groom will be going crazy on each other after the night is over, so I don't think you have to worry about "we'll be making love endlessly". Don't try to please everyone, this is your wedding and you get to make it however you want. Don't be afraid to put your own style into it, don't go with just the norm. Consider yourself lucky that you got a man who's really excited about wedding planning, because there aren't many of us out there. I wish you and your soon to be husband happiness and the best of luck in the future.

  11. i agree with him , i will give u advice u and him are going to be married and live together the rest og your life so make him listen to what he wants and make him listen to what u want .


  12. Ok that song is a bit hectic.  Why don't you suggest another more appropriate song, tell them there is going to be family members such as children, gran parents and parents at the wedding.  Why don't you print out this list and sit down with him and you can choose together: or search wedding songs.  

    Hope you can get him to change his mind.  I'm a wedding planner well in the beginning stage of it but one of the clients that recently got married had more or less the exact same problem her husband well to be back then actually also wanted a very very inappropriate song.

    Well good luck and hope you have your dream wedding.

  13. I LOVE that song, but granted, that doesn't sounds good for a wedding song.

    Have you compromised with each other in regards to that song? Maybe it won't be the wedding song, but be one of those slow dance song.

    Give him alternatives beside Pussycat Dolls. Slow dance to it together and then decide from there which sounds better. Should he stick with his that song, tell him to listen.. and then imagine as a guest, do they want to visualize that? He might be able to see your point and pick something else.

    Good Luck!

    p.s. We danced to "Dreaming of You" By Selena (it was like a 2 min thing) then had my wedding entourage do the Shuffle Dance as our wedding song.

  14. Just tell him that you like the song but you're worried the lyrics aren't appropriate for a family wedding. You can still play it during the reception, but you'd like to choose something a little bit safer for the first dance.

    If he's really adamant about it and you don't care that much, let it go. But I would be super embarrassed to tell my grandmother that my first dance was to a song by "The Pussycat Dolls." I don't think it's a bad reason to ask for something different.

  15. Will you be having the DJ or band introduce you and your bridal party at the reception?  If so, you could suggest that be the song you walk into as you are announced.  That way you are not shooting down his suggestion, you are still using the song during an important part of the wedding.  Best of luck and congrats!!

  16. Do whatever makes you guys happy, don't worry about what everyone else thinks, it's a really sweet song. If not that song, I suggest Celine Dion -Because you loved me

  17. Is the song slated to be for the ceremony or the reception.  If it is for the ceremony, you could go with an instrumental version and just entitle it special music as opposed to putting a title.  If it is for the reception, it is really doubtful that people would catch every word especially if it is not your first dance, and it will not be written down anywhere.  I felt the same way about the song, but I did play it at my wedding during the general dancing.  If the thought of having it as the main song still goes against your grain, thank him sincerely for his help, but suggest adding that to the general dancing time instead.  Then ask him for his other ideas and give yours as well.

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