
He wants s*x without a condom, but I don't?

by Guest11045  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for over two years. I am 18, and he is 19. I have been on the pill since i have met him. I take it in the morning between 9-11. We always use condoms as well during s*x. We have got into constand biccering lately because he wants to have s*x without a condom, and I dont. He says he wants to talk about it and not argue. But it turns into an argument because I say a firm ' No i dont want to' and he says ' Why? Youv been on it for 2 years'! and then i explain how i dont want to risk it, and he starts saying how its near to impossible and how im being stupid. He really guilt trips me. Its really getting to me, if he repects me, he should leave it at No. Right? Help me out.




  1. let him blast his load in ur v****a. i do that all the time to the girl im ******.

  2. Ask him if he wants to be parent right now since he's willing to risk the chances of you getting pregnant.  

  3. First off...good for you for making safe decisions! He is being an inconsiderate brat. It is your body, and if you don't want to risk getting pregnant then he should respect that. One thing that might make him change his mind is a firm ultimatum on your part of NO CONDOM, NO s*x. 99.99% of the time he will choose the condom because he doesn't want to give up s*x. Be safe, and the best of luck to you!

  4. yes if he respects it he should leave it at no whats his problem you give him an inch and he wants a yard if he cant respect you then let him go your young

  5. You should tell him that it is not up for discussion anymore. You have made the decision to play things safe and do the most you can to protect yourselves without stopping the s*x. If he wants to keep pressing it tell him he will be going without until he agrees to not bring it up again.

    He is being selfish. Stay strong.

  6. Stand by your decision.

  7. tell him he can either use the condom or he can go without s*x from you. be very very firm about it. tell him no glove, no love. i dated a girl for 8 years, she had her tubes tied and couldn't get pregnant, she made me use a condom every time.

  8. Well, your not being stupid your being smart he's being a guy and he wants what he wants yes, you should just leave it at no :D.

  9. Does the word, PREGNANT sound familiar. It take two to tango. If he does not respect your decision now,  he will never respect you later!!

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