Well, I just recently got out of a year long relationship about 3 weeks ago. Needless to say, I think I am ready to date [not get in a relationship], but just date people again and have fun. Well, I went to a party with my best friend [it was her coworker Bryan's party]. And we all got pretty messed up. Well, I left for a while to go pick up another friend, but while I was gone Bryan told my best friend I was really hot and that he wants to f*ck me. So, of course she tells me. He just got out a long time relationship too, so he is just looking to have fun. Well, usually, I would say no, but for some reason, I am so tempted, and don't think badly of me, I've never had a one night stand or slept with random people. It just seems exciting to me. My best friend says I should. But I'm afraid it will make me look extremely trashy, even though I want to do it. I am going to another party of his with my best friend Friday. Should I? Or no?