We have dated for 4 yrs, lived together for 3. He recently got a job in another state and moved out. Before doing so, he proposed and I accepted. When I did so, I had no idea how eager he was to get married. He is OK with the fact that we live in diff states. We both have good jobs and have no plans of quitting anytime soon. I love him dearly, but I am hesitant to get married and have a long distance relationship. According to him, its just a matter of time when we will be together. I plan to go to school full time for 2 years- which will increase our distances. The main reason he wants to get married asap is to stop the nagging of his parents. We both are Indian and our parents are quite traditional. Everyone seems to be planning my wedding - which apparently is next year. I love him and would like to be with him, but only when things are a bit settled between us. I don't want a long distance relationship and there is no way I'm not going to go to school to be with him.