
He was real active, then all of a sudden it slowed down, should I be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 weeks pregnant and from about 15 weeks, I could feel movements (this is my second child). Then I had to go to the dr Friday & she said the baby was breached, which was normal and then she did a pap smear. After that I bled a little but, not much. She said that was normal but, what I'm concerned with is that baby hasn't moved hardly any since Friday. Should I be concerned?? She put me on an antibiotic and I go back for another ultrasound tomorrow, but, should I call and tell them this. Is is normal for a baby to be moving alot and then all of a sudden stop?




  1. well not a sudden stop but when i was pregnant i was paranoid and thought i stopped feeling baby move and so i went to my ob and she was finding the heartbeat and he kicked her twice lol that is my baby he is 4 months in the pic!! i wouldnt worry chances are your baby is just fine!!

  2. No thats not usually normal. Babies do that their "quiet time" where they don't move much. But if it's completely stopped then I could call your doctor so they could do a stress test.

  3. Before you make any calls do this..lay down on your side after drinking some juice.  Have quite and concentrate on movements, even little ones.  You should feel around 5-6 in an hour.  everything your doc said is normal is normal:)

  4. If your having an ultrasound tomorrow, wait and see.  The baby could be sleeping alot due to the antibiotics.  Also they go through spurts that they are sleeping alot due to growth spurts.  Are you feeling any flutters at all?  I would tell the ultrasound person this tomorrow, and then hopefully your little one is perfectly fine tomorrow.  

  5. Really concentrate on feeling movements. If you feel nothing for a day then maybe you should go in for a trace and scan. Bubs might just be in a different position where you can't feel her movements as much.

  6. Just make a call to your Doctor.  If you have any concerns about your pregnancy call.  It is better to be safe then to wish you had of done things later.

  7. You should mention anything that concerns you to your doctor.  They know you and know about your pregnancy.

    If you have felt the baby move at all, everything is probably fine.  It may be that the baby has been asleep during the day, and you just haven't felt him moving at night when you're asleep.  Or maybe he's had a growth spurt and is now a little more cramped in there than he was before.  There are a lot of possibilities.  

    But the bottom line is, yes, call your doctor's office and talk with them about anything that concerns you.

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