
He won't see me until I get over my ex. I thought he liked me but I don't think he does. Please help!?

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We've had a couple of dates and I really like him. I feel good when we talk over the phone and in person. He is soooo sweet to me. I feel I can do no wrong. I never mention my ex to him. Except now he knows I just moved out from my ex bf of six years. It was very serious and I fell hard. I'm wondering if I come across as sad or depressed when I talk to him. I know I don't joke around as much as I like to. I also know I could be much happier. Anyway, he seemed to like me because he always mentioned getting together again. What he said was, "before we go any further, you need some time to yourself". He also said to stay in touch.

I don't know if he wants to ever see me again. What do you think?




  1. He doesn't want to be the rebound guy.  He likes you more than that.

  2. You said yourself that your relationship with the ex was serious and you fell hard. He doesn't want to be the rebound guy and is protecting himself from getting hurt. I think you should take some time out to get over the ex before jumping into something else. He does care for you and that's why he doesn't want to jump into a relationship with you too soon. Give yourself some time and then get back in touch with him.

  3. I'm thinking he doesn't want to be your rebound guy, you know what i mean?  I think he may have feelings for you, but maybe you are coming across as a bit sad about your break-up.  in my opinion you should take sometime before you get involved in another relationship....Get comfortable with just being yourself before you try to make a go with someone else....

  4. Smart man....he doesn't want to compete with a ghost. He probably does like you and want to see you, but he has a right to protect himself. six years is a long time. Take your time...there are lots of guys out there.

  5. It sounds like he knows what it is like to get out of a long term relationship. He is giving you space because he doesn't want to be the rebound guy. He is right you need a little bit of time to get over your past relationship. I think he wants to be with you and that is why he wants you to get over the past first.

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