
He wont stop crying whats wrong?

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my son is 7 days old and he never really cries to much just when he wants something and its always to be held,changed,feed,gas... well he has been crying for about 7 hrs off and on but while hes not crying its only for about 3 min's then hes back to screaming.... Its not gas he is always eating and i change him all the time when needed. i thought well maybe he just wants to be with mommy and it didn't work eather should i call his doctor? i just now got him to sleep and i thought i would ask so if you guys can help me out i would love it because hes just making me cry ! i know i shouldn't get upset with him because it don't help but i mean come on 7 hrs? hes making me feel like I'm a bad mommy i have done everything i could think of to help him out and i don't know what else to do!




  1. SWADDLE, SIDE LAYING, SUCKING, SWINGING, SHUSHING.  Read Dr. Harvey Karp's "The Happiest Baby on the BLock" or get the DVD from the library.  

    If he's always eating, it could be reflux.  THey want to nurse because it's soothing.  There doesn't have to be spit up to be reflux.  He 'should' be nursing every 1 1/2 to 2 hours (or even more) during the day right now.  That might feel like 'all the time' but that's what a newborn needs.  Has he passed all the meconium?  When was his last bowel movement?

    Seriously, start with a good, calm, quiet nursing session.  Swaddle him nice and tight, then give a pacifier.  Lay him on your forearm, on his side, with his head in your hand.  Swing him in an arc, strongly and quickly, holding him with your other hand too.  Say louding "SSSSHHH" or put on the dryer or vaccuum or other white noise.  It all re-creates the womb.  He didn't ask to come out, give him some time to adjust.

  2. You need to call your pediatrician. That is a very long time to cry. Newborns should spend the majority of time sleeping and not crying. he might be colicky. There's not explanation for why babies get like that. And you are a good mother, but seriously, call the doctor. Babies can't tell us their feelings, they cry to communicate.  

  3. I went through the same thing and in the beginning I took it personally but learned not too it made me feel like a bad mommy. Some babies have colic as what it's called, but it could be many causes. Constipation, belly aches. ARe you breast or formula feeding. I formula fed and it took a while to find one that worked good for his stomach. Also we later found he was having some problems with acid reflux. It's really hard but you just have to really pay attention to what seems to cause his crying babies at that age do cry a lot. Try to think just 7 days ago he was comfy in your belly try to make the settings he's in as similar to that as possible wrap the baby tight in a blaket or some white noise. I usually just held mine and tried different motions he mostly liked when I held him tight and bent my knees up and down slowly, it was a really good work out for my thighs.  

  4. My baby did that to and it was gas and burp stuck

  5. some sugestions...burb him, is he to hot or to he swaddled.. does he need more formula..

  6. Okay, you could try the method I used.

    I have heard it called the 5-S method, as you

    Swaddle the baby - wrap up snugly in a blanket, tucking the arms in

    Swing the baby - stand up and swing baby side to side

    Side - hold baby on his side

    Shh...Shh...Shh... - make the sound of a heart-beat

    Suck - give baby a soother or allow him to suck his thumb

    The theory is that human babies are born early in gestation compared to other mammals, so if we consider the first few months of life as a "fourth trimester" and try to replicate conditions in the womb, the baby feels safe, calm and secure, and will sleep better and fall asleep more easily.

    Paul Stanley wrote the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and this is where I first read this.

    My daughter also used a "noise-maker" for her little girl - it made noises such as "water-fall", "rain-storm", "heart-beat", "tropical rain-forest" - they were really wonderful and calming for my grand-daughter.

    Good Luck - it worked for me!

  7. well  to tell you the truth it actually does sound like gas if i were you i would goe to wlamart or walgreens and get him some gas medicine. even thoe you change and burp him doesnt meen he wouldnt have gas. you should also look up stuff for colic cause that also could be the problem. if he starts crying after you try that gas medicine i would definetly call his doctor good luck to the both of you and its okay to cry it the baby blues.

  8. At 7 days old and crying for 7 hours, I'd opt for the pediatrician. You can never be too safe and don't feel 'silly' or as if you should know better. I'd rather have the pediatrician say "oh it's nothing and here's what you can do" than to have something worse.

    Your ped can go over all the feeding/gas issues with you. DO NOT give your 7 day old baby ANY medicine without direct orders and an ok from his doctor.

    Don't worry, you're a good mommy and this will all pass waaayy too soon. My oldest son just lost his first tooth :-(  You'll get into a routine and be able to enjoy your precious baby.

    I wish you the best and hope everything is alright. Get to the doctor, if it's too late, go to an urgent care or ER.  Then let us know!

  9. I would take him to the pediatrician.  7 hours is a long time to cry.

  10. HI

    dont feel like your a bad mum

    my brothers little baby screams CONSTANTLY even whilst feeding him all he does is cry and it can last more than 7 hours! he has 5 kids and none of them have been like that so he took his baby 2 the doctors and hes been referred up2 the hospital just 2 get a check up but dont worry it doesnt mean anything is wrong some babys do cry ALOT and grow out of it i no it must b very draining 4 u but hang in there:) x

  11. He does want to be with mommy, but it sounds like you're pretty upset and he may be picking up on that.   I had some real panicky moments too. Trying walking talking and breathing. Babies like motion, the talking and then breathing is for you too. Tell him and yourself it'll be alright. It will. If you get to feeling angry,set him down and go in the other room for a least 60 seconds. If he is truly incosolable call the dr any way. If nothing else you'l know you're doing what you can Remember a good mother is made through on the job training. It's not magic it's earned. Also learn feeding cues. you can head a lot of crying off by catching early signs before crying starts. Lay down with baby safely and breathe on his head in long slow breaths. That really worked for my baby. Fake being calm until you acually are.

  12. After you feed him do you burp him that could be an issue, but the best thing to do is be a better mommy and call the doctor and they will offer several professional suggestions and its easier to try and find and anwser on here!

  13. That happend to me a few months back it actually tuned out my daughter had a very bad infection you should call the doctor check were her cord was see if it heald corectly that was are problem the cord came off too soon and got infected good luck  

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