
HeLp hoRse LeASeINg whAt Do I GeT?

by Guest60635  |  earlier

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I am thinking about leaseing a horse what do you get when you lease a horse does the saddle bridel and other things like that come with leasing a horse and whats the avridge cost of leasing ?




  1. If you are planning to lease a horse but don't know what the cost is then STOP RIGHT THERE!

    A leased horse is just as expensive to keep as an owned horse, the only difference is that you doin't have to pay for the horse at the start.  At a guess, you probably need at least $10,000 per year in order to cover all costs (livery, feed, vet, insurance, blacksmith, etc.

    As for the equipment you get, that is totally dependent on the owner.  Usually you will get the saddler, bridle, rugs, boots, etc, but you need to agree this with the owner BEFORE you agree to take the horse on.

    I hope you have had plenty of stable management lessons so that you know how to take care of a horse of your own - it can be hard work and very time consuming, but ultimately very rewarding.

  2. usually if you lease from someone you don't know, you only get the horse.  if you lease a lesson horse at a barn, you can usually use the tack.  you should ask the person you are leasing from if you can use their tack and if it will be more expensive or not.

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