
Head Injury from Paintballing?

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Yesterday I was with a group of friends and went paintballing.

It was the first game and I was shot in the head, right above my mask. On the left side of my head, about 2 inches above my temple in the hairline. I have a welt and I can feel it is tender and sore.

I didn't think anything of it until I woke up this morning feeling all loopy and wierd. I have a headache in my entire head but moreso on the left side where I was hit.

The paintball didn't explode when it hit my head.

Do I have a concussion? What else could it possibly be? Anyone else ever have this happen?

I'm going to the doctor but not til 5pm after I get off work




  1. that si one of the most sensitive parts of the skull. Its very possible you have a concussionn. You should be checked by a doctor soon. Hope u get better :)

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