
Head Racket A Fake?!

by  |  earlier

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I'm very new to tennis and I have no knowledge of rackets and i bought one but i have a suspicion of it being a fake mainly because i cant find a Head Ti.9000 on the Internet other than on e-bay, but i have seen a Ti. 6000 but thats it.

there are some pics of my racket here

although i think i might be paranoid :D

any help would be good ty!




  1. yeah its legit, about as legit as the music on your computer if you catch my drift

  2. I can't see your picture, but Head does provide a stringing pattern for a TI9000 so, therefore that racket was manufactured by them at some time.

  3. I cannot see that picture you uploaded because I'm not with MySpace (and have no interest in it)

    It seems that it's probably knock off gear. You need to take it back and demand your money back or get in touch with either the police or the customs people and expose the person who sold it.

    If you go for a refund, tell them that the weight is all wrong and that you cannot get the hang of it. Tell them that you have been bought another racquet as a present and you'll use that.

    Don't threaten them with the police if they refuse.

    If you bought it off eBay, you need to try to get your money back from the seller and then notify eBay about the fake gear.

    Good Luck!

  4. yup

  5. If you bought it off a reputable shop, you should be able to ask about it and exchange it if you are unsure.  It may be a gray market model intended for a different market like asia and renamed or it could be an older model that is no longer available today.  Tennis rackets aren't that easy to duplicate and a fake one will be easy to spot.  Try comparing it's weight and feel to a different one and take a closer look at the lettering and the logo on it.
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