
Head banging in a 19 month old?

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My 19 month old son has started banging his head when he's annoyed or not getting his way, basically he'll butt his forehead on the wall, side of his cot or playpen or sometimes on my leg - he's even tried giving me a "Glasgow Kiss" a few times.

He's given himself a big bruise on his forehead by doing this.

He's not doing it in any sort of repetitive way, he just seems to do it as part of a tantrum type thing.

Should I be worried? I hate it when he does this, especialyy when he give himself a bruise!




  1. My son did this to the extreme when he was 2..he used to have MASSIVE bruises on his forehead.

    At my wits end, i spoke to my health visitor, and she said that whenever he did it, i should completley ignore him, and walk into another room.

    it 100% broke my heart when i started doing what she said, as i though he would think i didnt love him..but after ignoring it for 10 days, he stopped it!!

    Give it a go, you never know , it may help!


    Read this it might help. he needs to find away to vent his emotions. Try walking away till he calms down and then go back and get to his level and talk calm to him. he should respond to you that way and try to teach him to talk out his feelings.

  3. don't give it any special attention like "omg baby no cumere" otherwise he will learn that this is a serious behaviour that gets him what he wants. Treat the behaviour as something really naughty. Explain to him that he shouldnt do that to the WALLS not to his head.

    lol @ glasgow kiss

  4. I don't want to worry you but I personally think you should get him checked, my son does this, he is 2 and a half and is currently being assessed for autism, your son is probably just going through a phase but you should see GP anyway just in case, self harming is a red flag for autism. All the best.

  5. What have you been feeding him? See your Health Visitor about it

  6. My daughter did that too...!!!~...i was so worried that she'd make herself simple (kidding..kinda)...but i think it must be a way for them to get frustration first i'd stop her, but after the 3rd time i walked away..and w/o an wasn't effective and she stopped!!!~...she only did it for maybe 2 weeks a few times....then it passed!!~...and on to the next phase..!..OH and she's fine...she's super smart, very advanced and thankfully the head banging didn't do any damage!!he!

  7. If he eats/drinks caffiene or something that might make him go hyper stop him. Yes u should be quite worried cos he might damage his head or he might even get brain damage so id reccomend u take him to see a doctor and he or she will take it from there. Also, if he always gets in tantrums someone must be doing something like annoy him just let him be and see if he still does it.

  8. thats what my baby cousin did

    and my aunt took to him to a behavorial doctor im not sure what the name is for that type of doctor is but they diagnosed him with autism

    u should look into it

    ( =

  9. It's a stage.

    If it really hurt him he wouldn't do it.

    He'll get over it.

  10. its a little brother went through this..He will get over it..I dont think there is much you can do to stop him just keep an eye on him...Make sure he does not go to sleep for a few hours after he does it..and if he does get extremly tired or his head is extremly swollen then take him to the drs

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