
Head injury... help please?

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My fiance had a big head injury 2 days ago a big piece of metal flew off a 30 tone press and hit him in the head he passed out and couldnt see or walk properly he was put in hospital they did a CT scan and it didnt show brain injury. They told him to look for certain things within 24hrs wells its been just over 48 and he is now getting worse. I want to take him to the hospital but he recons the danger period is over after 24 hrs. Can he still be introuble?




  1. that is not true the danger period may not be over.. i would take him to a dr immediately and you want 2 b sure the danger period is over because if its not & godforbid sumthing happens you wouldnt b able 2 live with yourself

  2. I suffered a skull fracture a few years ago. I had similar symptoms. So i had an emergency CT scan. They found a small blood clot close to my brain. Fortunately i didn't need to have brain surgery but any head injury can be serious. If he is feeling worse then he should go to the hospital otherwise he may be putting himself in further danger especially if he cannot walk or see properly. Please talk him into going to the hospital. The last thing he will want is any permanent damage. Obviously there is a problem when symptoms worsen, and it is always better to be safe than sorry.

    Good luck!

  3. Hi,

    If CT scan shows nothing then he has to make head MRI. It is much clearer to see all head than CT.


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