
Head injurys . . ...........?

by  |  earlier

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I was headbutted last thursday evening, and it split the skin on my forehead. There was a lot of blood, but i didn't want to go to the hospital. How do i know if there is underlying damage? The concussion has passed, and i managed to sleep for 9 hours. The split has scabbed over now and is not infected.




  1. You could go get it checked to be safe but likely if there was any internal damage you'd be well aware of it by now.   Head injuries with internal damage usually have symptoms like blacking out, vomiting, cold sweats, nervousness, numbness in your arms legs or hands/feet, dizziness, vertigo, balance problems, blurry vision or spotted vision etc.  If you don't have any of that by now you are probably fine.

  2. are you , having bad headaches, and  is your eyesight affected in any way,


    your skull is strong, so if you have any problems  then go straight to the  A&E .



  3. see a doctor just to be safe. i'm concern about subarachnoid hemorrhage. That one might not have any symptoms but requires immediate attention. It happens sometimes but we never know until a brain scan.

  4. you really should have gone straight to the hopsital for checking out.......................

    head injuries can be very serious? where you knocked out?

    as it was last thursday, any major damage would have shown itself by now but ther is never any harm in getting it checked out...... are you having other symptoms that you think may be related? if this is corrects check it out dont wait any longer

  5. if you are concerned it is always best to get it checked, to be on the safe side.

  6. See a doctor as soon as possible. Do not get tensed he may not ask you to get an MRI or a CT scan. He will check your physical signs.

    Do not ignore anything when it comes to a head injury.  

  7. Don't worry about it. I get head injuries every day from the wife and I'm still here at 60. Wait till you get a frying pan round your head.

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