
Head or babolat?

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I am 15 and play in a High school league and was wondering if a head microgel racquet was best or any babolats, I like power and topspin and am currently using a head flexpoint 4 oversize racquet




  1. If you like power/topspin then go for the Babolat Aeropro Drive Cortex or Head Microgel Extreme Pro. They got power but still good control. They give a lot more access to spin as well.

  2. Bablot is good short term, but it can really hurt ur arm if u dont hit in in the middle every time.  THen you wont pay at all =P  I like Head because its good for ur arm and good playing too

  3. babolat is more spin

    head is more contact

  4. babolat. more power with more spin.

  5. babolat good for topspins...
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