
Head peeling on 5 week old?

by Guest33376  |  earlier

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My 5 week old, I just noticed yesterday that the top of his head around the soft spot and around that is kinda peeling or something, tonight I just gave him a bath and it started peeling more, what's going on? Is this normal? What can I do?




  1. Put olive oil on baby's head and it should wash out.

    It sounds like cradle cap to me.  

  2. most likely it is cradle cap,as the others have told you. you dont need any special sounds like you caught it in an early stage. put conditioner in his hair when its dry. let it soak for a few minutes and comb through it. this removes the scales. afterward,very carefully use head and sholders shampoo on his hair. i know it goes against the imbred thought that we must wash our children with johnson and johnson, but trust me. i went through this when my son was 7 weeks old. i was told by the doctor to use H&S shampoo every other day for treatment, and once a week as a preventative. the cradle cap cleared up within a few days and never came back. now hes 8 months and once a month or so ill use the H&S on him, just because its a nice change from his normal smell and it makes his hair super soft.good luck.  

  3. sounds like your child has cradle cap (may have spelt that wrong). Its very normal. Your phamacist should be able to give you a good cream to treat it

  4. It sounds like craddle cap.  There is special shampoo to take care of this but needs to be checked by your dr

  5. its normal for newborn babies to peel there outer layer of skin because there bodies are used to being in all that amniotic fluid and need to sheed there first layer of skin. My son is peeling right now and is only two weeks old. I dont think you have anything to worry about because that is probably what your baby is doing. First i noticed my son peeling on his head then on his feet and legs and then Everywhere. Its like he's shedding, but thats way normal for the newborns. So don't fret.good luck

  6. sounds like cradle cap to me. I use baby oil to solve this. I rub it on my sons head while he is in the bath and let it soak in a bit while I play with him and wash the rest of his body and then i shampoo his hair removing all of the oil and the flakey skin with it. this will also help to lock in moisture so there will be minimal flakes in the future. i do this every 2ish weeks to help prevent it too.

  7. Like everyone is saying, it is most likely a cradle cap. My son had it when he was a couple weeks old. I got very angry when someone tried to tell me that cradle caps are a result of not washing. I washed him everyday, head to toe. So it's normal. You can consult with your doctor if you feel like it is anything more.

  8. Its called cradle cap.  Most babies get it. rub his head with baby oil and take a soft brush and scrub it off. Don't rub to hard and if his head starts to get red then take a break and do it more later. keep baby oil on his head for a day or two. that should work.

  9. it may be cradle cap, dry skin basically, just put some baby oil on his head and leave it on for about 15 - 30 mintues.. then wash off.. you can put some lotion on after that..  

  10. its craddle cap.  you can try baby oil on his head, put a hat on, and let it kind of soak into his scalp.  or just let it do it course.  in a couple months it should be totally gone.  some days will be worse than others.  my son is 6 months and his finally just went away in this last month,  but then again I didnt do anything I just let it run its course

  11. It's cradle cap. Totally normal and harmless but very annoying for those of us that are pickers. Leave it alone if you can because you can irritate the skin if you mess with it to much. If you just have to mess with it you can put some baby oil on it to soften the dead skin. Wait about an hour and then give baby a bath. It's messy and greasy but it works okay.  

  12. Its cradle cap, just give hima bath and gently srape it with your nails, then put lotion on it. Almost every baby gets it. Perfectly normal. My second daughter had it all over her scalp for like a month.  

  13. Sounds like a case of cradle cap. My family is very old-school italian and try this trick...instead of rubbing baby oil, rub olive oil on his head. Odd sounding but it works and if you use it on the rest of his skin it makes them unbelievably soft, but no so great smellwise sometimes LOL!

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