
Head shaking in horses?

by  |  earlier

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My family and I just bought a chestnut thoroughbred-aged 8. He has recently starting this head shaking vertically only, he wont stop. What should I do? His old owners said he has never done it before and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want my parents to sell him. Is there any thing to make him stop shaking his head? He is sometimes does it in the paddock but last time i rode him he didnt do it at all then a horse came in to the arena and he started it again. PLEASE HELP




  1. headshaking can be caused by a neurological disorder but it is more commonly caused by a reaction to pollen for which you can buy muzzle nets for when you ride.

    Or it could be an evasion of pain caused by the saddle or more likley the bit, you could get his bridle and teeth checked and his back or you could use a kinder bit or even a bitless bridle which works extremely well and allows more flexibility for the horse whilst being very safe.

    hope that helps !!  =)

  2. does he seem angry when he does it? he may be feeling territorial. try growling at him or making angry noises, maybe even slapping his neck *GENTLY, AND NOT TOO CLOSE TO THE HEAD* to show that he should not do this. if you are leading him, jerk the lead rope down or better yet, "snake" ( get about 3' or more of extra lead rope and shake it rapidly from side to side) the lead rope towards his belly to show that his behavior is rude and unnacceptable.

  3. get a standing martingale or you could do what i do and use a thin lead rope or leash and hook one end to the girth and the other to his halter

  4. If he is a true head shaker, this is a neurological disorder of unknown etiology.  also, there is not any medical treatment for the condition.  Horses usually shake their head more intently when asked to work or under stress.  Yes, he most likely was doing this before, but you have him now.  Some people try placing a stocking around the muzzle and have limited success.  I would not recommend any mechanical devices to tie his head.  they will not work, and will be harmful to him.  He can't control the head shaking - that's his problem.  Sorry.  Good luck.

  5. Hmm, could be medical, or, the could be using it as an evasion, especially under saddle.

    My horse started head bobbing for a while when asked to canter. He was just evading and quickly stopped this habit.

    Firstly I'd have the horse checked by a vet or chiro.

    Once you have ruled out medical you can concentrate on seeing if it is an evasion type thing or just a behavioural thing that he has learned over the years.

    He may have been excited when the other horse came in the arena?

    I know the person you bought him off said he never did it before but that is what they all say!

    If all fails, get a trainer to look at him...

  6. Just going to throw my 2 cents in... i'd be betting you its mites... especially if its only started since he's been with your... you will need a vet out to confirm this... and to help start treatment... also another thing that can cause head shaking it if some water is caught in the lower part of the canal... you know like after you have been swimming and you jump up and down and when it doesnt come out your go nuts trying to get it out.... that can send the horse nuts some times with frustration... well good luck and i hope your get it sorted.. :)

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