a blood clot, or intracranial pressure. Long story short, I fell off a ladder 3 months ago and hit my head extremely hard, it got swollen, I put ice on the giant lump, it went away after a few days, but the sensation of a head injury never went away. Week later my eyes mysteriosuly turned cloudy red(the white part), I thought it was related to something else(keratitis) but got away from that because whenever I lay down, my eyes turn red. This is apparant because I go to sleep,I wake up and my eyes are red. So Im thinking that I have a slo bleed in my head, that is causing intracranila pressure and causing what seems to be papilledema. I also started having abdominal cramps a month after the injury, with occasional back bain, I dont know if they are all related, but I am worried I hae a blood clot or intrcrnial pressure.
BTW, my head is lumpier on the side I hit my head on, it seems like my head is swollen, but ut soft, my head is hard all over, but not symmetrical like it used to be(I am 100% sure of this). So let me know what you think, I went to a doc, but since I didnt have any serious symptoms he didnt do a x ray.