
Headache, drowsiness, nausea, body ache, decrease in appetite, all lasting about 2 weeks. Could I be pregnant?

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I have felt so down for the past two weeks. I know that my husband and I had s*x (unprotected) two of my fertile days and again when I was ovulating. I am supposed to come on my period on the 27th. Could this be signs of pregnancy or something else. The fact that it has gone on for 2 weeks says that it couldn't be due to my period, so what?




  1. Take a test! Oxox

  2. take a test you sound like you are pregnant those are all signs of pregnancy. GOOD LUCK!!

  3. The fact that it has lasted 2 weeks and your not even late for your period says no. You would not be feeling so many symptoms so early.  

  4. Well those same symptoms could be anything from nervousness or dehydration to a cold or UTI or even depression.  I think it is probably a little early for pregnancy to cause those symptoms.

  5. Well obviously take a test, but listen to your body! Just pay attention to everything, if you're truly in tune with yourself you'll know whats going on

  6. Well after s*x, it takes 5-7 days for baby to implant into your uterus. And it is a little bit after that time that your body starts making your chemical called HCG. And only when that is high enough for your body to determine that it is new that you start getting those kinds of symptoms. So it is usually 3-4 weeks before you start getting sick and feeling pregnant.

  7. take a test! good luck!

  8. Sounds to me like you could be pregnant :) You only have a few more days before you can take a test...yay!

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