
Headache 10 days after ovulation?

by Guest60886  |  earlier

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Is it possible to have a headache and be pregnant 10 days after ovulation, or does that mean you are due to start your period?




  1. it could be.  

  2. that happened to me too. I had the worst migraine ever. Not sure if the 2 are connected, but  sure enough I was pregnant.

  3. it means you have a headache hunni nothing else...

    i spent 5 years TTC and convinced myself that every symptom ment i was preg.. finally now i am 13 weeks preg and i KNEW when i was preg it was crazy... i wish you lots of luck and hope your "headache" turns out to be a baby!!! If not keep trying, if i can get there so can you xx

  4. It could be either. I am due to start af on friday so i'm about 12dpo and I have also been having crazy headaches and some unusual cramping. I'm hoping to get the BFP on friday...good luck

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