
Headache feels like my skull is being crushed?

by Guest63773  |  earlier

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I have started in the past couple of weeks getting these occassional extrememly painful headaches. They last from between 2 to 10 mins.

They feel like someone is crushing the part of my skull from where my ears are and back, it is extrememly painful and i can't focus when i get them.

I haven't had any change in lifestyle since i got them, does anyone have any information that could help me?




  1. i would see a neurologist.  used to get the most painful headaches and had to go to bunches of doctors

    they will want to do an mri and some other tests just to make sure everything is ok

  2. your head responds to many physiological things. if it persists try visiting an osteopath for some cranial massage...u might find it has its roots elsewhere, i.e. your neck.

  3. Sinus perhaps. Have you had a cold recently? First time I got it I thought my head was going to implode.

    You should see your doctor really. Just to rule out awful things.  

  4. This sounds like some sort of muscular pain.  Could it be caused by stress?  You may find that the pain eminates from your shoulder and/or neck muscles.  Try massaging your neck and shoulders and see if this eases the tension.  Do go and see your G.P. if these headaches continue though.

  5. Tension headaches. Are you under a lot of stress? If you relax and unwind they will go.

  6. could be loads of things from a sinus headache to a pain cause by teeth grinding at night  - go to a doctor  

  7. and you haven't told your parents or gone to the doctor? doesn't seem that bad.

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