
Headache from being on the computer?

by  |  earlier

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A lot of times lately I get a headache when I'm on the computer. Sometimes its after a long time but others its right away. I have bad allergies and the air outside bothers me same with the heat here in Phoenix. Does anyone have any suggestions why it might bother me or how to fix it?




  1. You may need glasses or if you already wear them, perhaps you need a change in your prescription.  Other than that, it might be eye strain.  Spending too much time on the pc without breaks is very bad for your eyes (and posture) and can definitely cause those tension type headaches.  You need to walk away for a short 5 minute break for every hour that you are on the computer.  Also, if your allergies are really bothering you, your symptoms will definitely be exacerbated.  Try taking an anti-histamine (if you don't already do so).  I hope you find resolution to this soon...Good luck!

  2. Ermm maybe try finding something else to do other than staring at the computer all day would help alot...

  3. Mabe your eyes are failing you,  

  4. Panadol  

  5. continuously working on computer result to headache, solution is wear glasses  or don't sit long in front of computers, give relax to your body and eyes.

  6. Just the same problem, plus my eyes are aching much (( only I'm in Moscow, not in Phoenix..

    my idea is changing the way of life, changing my job and everything! glasses and exercises will help you for sure...for some time

    Besides, I believe we're not born to spend the whole days in front of the monitor...imho

  7. maybe you eyes problem. your need to see a doctor for checking. maybe your need a spect

    How to  prevent

    1. not watch to near screen

  8. Probably because your sitting to near the screen. Just stay as far back as you can and dont get on so much unless you have to

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